I'm getting sick. WTF? I was fine, and then as of an hour ago my throat is really sore, and I have body aches. Uhhhh...I don't want to be sick!! =(
Thank god I get paid this week. It feels like I haven't been paid in YEARS.
Moving along:
To refresh your memory, and provide you with a comparison for his growth, here is a pic of him when he arrived (1 month old):
He's completely curled around my THUMB.
Especially notice his coloring, and how it hadn't developed yet.
Here he is at 4 months old, his little head smaller than a penny.
and more
HERE AND HERE HE IS NOW, at 9 months old. He's so BIIIIIG and cuuuuuute!
Definitely can't curl his whole body around my thumb NOW!
So pretty!
His head is bigger than a penny. =)
He's about 22-23 inches long now
...and here you can see how wide he's gotten.
Exploring the bookcase
"Hmm...what are these cliff things?" Undeterred by IT??? He's a tough snake!
Staring intently at Stupid White Men Haha.
A (not-so-good) shot of how the white around his saddles is coming in nicely and all the yellow around it is developed. (compared to earlier pics where all the white is opaque and the yellow is pale).
The power of the Y compels you! Yoma says, "Enough gawking. Now get out of here and leave me alone!"
Thanks for looking!