Oct 16, 2005 18:22
hello everyone and welcome to my journal entry today we will be talking about......my day.....first i woke up.....then i went to church and at church we sang a song to this guy who is dying of cancer and it was really sad and i cried and so did ashley! then we went to fellow ship hall for coffee hour....which is more like coffee half hour but what ever.....then we went to sunday school and watched a dumb movie but abbys mom made me watch it then we went to choir and sang these cool songs ....after that we went to the pot luck at church and ate then we went to this ladys house to help her do yard work.....HUUUUUUUUUGE garden....it took 20 of us 4 hours to do all the stuff but it was fun and i like gardening and stuff like that anyways i found out that jamie lives right by me so thats cool...not that im actually gonna go to her house cuz i think that would be weird but what ever lol i live by her and we know that we could go to each others house at any time lol so i guess thats good enough then after that we went to this spaghetti dinner for easterns soccer team and it was fun and i saw A.M. and if anyone can guess who that is then they are a smart cookie!!! and i also saw this other dude and me and ashley was like ooo damn they are fine lol i love ashley cuz thats my girl and she is so funny! so after that we took beth to her car then mary took me home now i am just sitting here doing nothing cuz thats usually what i do. i could go to trishas and see what andre was doing if i was really bored but i am actually quite tired so i dont know if im gonna go over there or not! not that anyone cares about any of this and its not like anyone knows who any of these people are but thats ok cuz i like writing random things for people to read. i never used to update this shit now i do it all the time