Apr 26, 2009 08:20
So for the past few months my Hubby has been sick. He's had tummy troubles on and off for a while but never really went to the Dr. for it. He just thought his gallbladder was acting up. It's slowly gotten worse. Then In November of last year he began losing weight. That's where I drew the line. I made him go to the ER because in 1 weekend he lost 20lbs. They did x-rays on his chest and tummy and found nothing. Since then he's continued to lose weight and has been unable to eat properly. He hasn't had much of an appetite and I've begged since January to go see a doctor. I made him a couple of appointments but in typical male fashion, never went. Well during Easter I put my foot down. Actually I called his mother. Together we convinced him to see a doc. We had a CT scan on Wednesday and a couple hours later, his doctor called saying there were spots that showed up on his liver. Wow were we stunned! Neither one of us dreamed it could be his liver. So the doc wanted more tests. On Friday we learned that all his tests indicate Colon Cancer that has spread to surrounding lymph nodes and possibly his liver. We are FLOORED. There is zero history of Colon Cancer in his family. Actually his family history is pretty clear. His Grandfather had prostate cancer but lived with that for 15 years. I am just so overwhelmed with this. I have of course been researching like crazy about Colon Cancer. Our families came by yesterday. They want us to go to MD Anderson in Houston for further testing and diagnosis. What I've read I absolutely love. They are one of the leading cancer centers in America. Whatever we have to do we have to do. Do any of you out there have any experience with MD Anderson? I'd love to know.
Please, those of you who are religious, pray for us. We need those prayers now more than EVER!