felis domesticus
July 30 2005, 22:28:25 UTC
The Cat is a wild animal who wishes it was domesticated.
The Cock is a domesticated animal who wishes it was wild.
Neither understands it is what it wishes it was.
Is this a young tomcat? Has it been nutered? It need not be, but if not it will grow up into an individual who will want to saturate your living space in the reeking stench of its personal affirmation. It needs to do this as much as you need to talk. Neutering your tomcat is like permenantly shaving all your body hair away. You could both deal with this, yet I doubt either of you would freely choose to do so.
It is curel and inhuman to declaw a cat. I shame the vetrenary profession for allowing liscenced "professionals" to advocate the surgical equivalent of cutting off a human being's fingers and toes. A cat's wishers and claws are the tools it usues to explore the world. Devoid of claws, the world can become a frightening and threatening place to a cat.
Spayed or not, your kitten will eventually become a tenaged cat and display all the wild and uncontrollable behaviour of human teens. Your cat wants to hunt. Well, actually it wants to kill, and your ankles are acceptable targets if mice aren't around. Cats accepted human domestication for the privilidge of regular meals; however the contract stipulated the bulk of this domestic diet would consist of vermin infesting the granary. Are you a wheat farmer? If not, realize that if you want to honor your end of the bargain you need to either provide live prey or spend alot of time playing with your cat. As it ages it will take longer and longer naps, but ignoring the fact it is a meat thirsty killer is the human equivenlent of having to live as a monk. Again, some people choose to do so, but this should never be forced on anybody - or any cat.
Kitty came into your world able to fully love you with far less responcibilities than the female of your own species demans.
The Cock is a domesticated animal who wishes it was wild.
Neither understands it is what it wishes it was.
Is this a young tomcat? Has it been nutered? It need not be, but if not it will grow up into an individual who will want to saturate your living space in the reeking stench of its personal affirmation. It needs to do this as much as you need to talk. Neutering your tomcat is like permenantly shaving all your body hair away. You could both deal with this, yet I doubt either of you would freely choose to do so.
It is curel and inhuman to declaw a cat. I shame the vetrenary profession for allowing liscenced "professionals" to advocate the surgical equivalent of cutting off a human being's fingers and toes.
A cat's wishers and claws are the tools it usues to explore the world. Devoid of claws, the world can become a frightening and threatening place to a cat.
Spayed or not, your kitten will eventually become a tenaged cat and display all the wild and uncontrollable behaviour of human teens. Your cat wants to hunt. Well, actually it wants to kill, and your ankles are acceptable targets if mice aren't around. Cats accepted human domestication for the privilidge of regular meals; however the contract stipulated the bulk of this domestic diet would consist of vermin infesting the granary. Are you a wheat farmer? If not, realize that if you want to honor your end of the bargain you need to either provide live prey or spend alot of time playing with your cat. As it ages it will take longer and longer naps, but ignoring the fact it is a meat thirsty killer is the human equivenlent of having to live as a monk. Again, some people choose to do so, but this should never be forced on anybody - or any cat.
Kitty came into your world able to fully love you with far less responcibilities than the female of your own species demans.
Honor nature or dishonor yourself.
Roger L. Sieloff
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