Title: Matters of the Heart (Part 18)
Author: Luvntrek
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or Paramount
Jim breathed a sigh of relief as he entered his quarters in the compound. There was no sign of Tah-din-nay. He hurried out to meet Spock and Bones to discuss the new developments concerning the 'amo pyrexia'.
As he walked out Tah-din-nay was standing in the doorway. He could tell that she was upset. "Oh Kirk!" she said on the verge of tears "Why did you not give me a chance? You do not stay here and try to be with me. I know you must have someone else. The people think I lie. I told them that you chose me, but you have not been around. They laugh at me and remind me that I am too ugly to be the woman of the Captain." The tears began to flow and Kirk felt guilty for avoiding her.
"You are not ugly Tah-din-nay." he said guiding her back into his quarters and sitting her down. "I don't care that you have no tans. I have no tans either. It's just complicated. We have to try to find a cure for the 'amo pyrexia. I have been busy working on this problem. I've been on the Enterprise."
She looked at him, wiping the tears with her hands "You have not found someone else?"
She smiled at him. "I can still be your servant?"
"I am a man of my word. Do not allow these people to upset you. You don't have to prove anything to them. In fact, come on and walk with me. I have to meet Dr. McCoy and Spock."
Jim was galled that people would be so cruel. She was not ugly. He thought she was quite pretty and it bothered him to see her so upset. She held her head high as they walked across the compound. He had his arm around her shoulders and deliberately waved and smiled at the people as he walked by. He saw them nod and began to comment to each other. When they reached the medical bay he turned to her. "Meet me for dinner here at 1900 hours, ok. We will talk more about you being my servant and what your duties will entail."
She nodded quickly. "Yes Kirk. Thank you."
Noticing some women staring at them curiously, he lifted her hand and kissed it. She blushed uncontrollably. "Then I will see you tonight for dinner." he said loud enough for the women to hear.
"Yes, of course."
He walked into the medical bay and Tah-din-nay turned on her heels holding her head high and rolled her eyes as she saw the amazed looks of the women. She headed back towards the east fields and her heart warmed at the thought of the kindness shown to her by the man with the eyes like the Terrin Sea.
Nyota and Aura decided to get together at the end of their shift to do some shopping. Having had to go all over the city with Scotty, she remembered several shoppes she wanted to explore on her own time. Of course, she felt safe with Davis and Parsons following them, however, they had made up their minds to return to the compound by 1600 hours before the Captain's curfew came into effect.
Aura showed Nyota her gift from Spock. She loved being able to wear it with something other than her uniform and to be able to wear it without the hot federation hose. She was glad that Aura seemed to have recovered from her ordeal from the previous week.
"I'm glad that you were able to come out, Aura."
"I am too. I needed a break, we both did. We have been working nonstop. I do believe, however, we are close to a breakthrough. I checked as much of the compound as I could and there is residue from the colchicine everywhere. I really feel that is the key."
"I hope so. We are doing great with setting up the communication links throughout the city. It won't be long now until we're done. I understand from Nathaniel that the work in the mines is progressing and Starfleet will be assigning more people soon as this problem is resolved."
She paused as they entered a shoppe watching Aura out of the corner of her eye looking at some jewelry. "Aura, I can see the end coming. It won't be but a few more weeks and if we are successful with solving the 'amo pyrexia' issue, Starfleet will have us move on to our next mission."
Aura paused for a moment and did not reply. Nyota could see that she was a little upset. "I know Nyota. I have tried to prepare myself for what I know is coming."
"You love him, don't you?"
"Yes, I love him." There! She had finally said it. She knew that it was almost over and the tears began to fall. Why, oh why had she allowed herself to get in this predicament? She was about to lose both Leonard and Jimmy too.
Nyota put her arm around her. "You guys can work it out. Don't give up on Leonard quite yet. I don't think he's going to go down without a fight! Perhaps you can be assigned to the Enterprise."
"I don't think so, Nyota. More than likely they will want me to stay here for a while. These people need help. They are doing so many things that are counterproductive. My guess is that I will be here at least a year." She smiled wiping her tears. "Perhaps you guys can come back and check on us from time to time."
Nyota knew that more than likely she was right. "I certainly hope so."
"Doctor," Spock said " I do believe we have a breakthrough. It appears that the 'amo pyrexia' started on this planet approximately the same time that they began grown the triticale. I have checked with their historians and there is a connection. I believe that Doctor Vanderleigh is correct. Do you think that you can create an antidote based on the information provided?"
McCoy looked over the data that Spock handed him and smiled. "I certainly can. We are going to have to begin a massive cleanup effort, however as well as provide a suitable antidote for the people."
"This is great news!" Kirk said smiling. "We will get with Bah Nel first thing in the morning. Tonite, however, we celebrate. Let's all go out to dinner! Spock, I'll contact Aura and Uhura."
"They are out shopping somewhere in the city." Bones said "Perhaps we can meet up with them."
Kirk pulled out his communicator. Spock turned to McCoy "You realize that once the antidote and cleanup is completed, most likely Starfleet will reassign us and we will have to leave."
Bones frowned up his face. "Yeah, what's your point, Spock?"
"I think you know my point, doctor. We will be leaving, however, Dr. Vanderleigh will not."
"Why you greenblooded fortune teller! You don't know that for sure!"
"It is only logical, doctor. She is needed here and more than likely she will be asked to stay here."
Bones did not reply. His thoughts were interrupted by Jim. "They want us to meet them at a place called Dunns." He looked at Spock "Uhura says that you two have been there before."
"Affirmative Captain."
Nyota reserved a nice table for the six of them and waved as she saw them enter. They were seated next to the window with an ocean view. She was surprised to see the Captain with Tah-din-nay and looked at Aura who was smiling to herself Kirk dismissed their security guards and sent them back to the compound.
McCoy was stunned when he saw them. It had been a week since he had stayed with her the night she was not feeling well. The braids were gone and she wore her hair loosely about her shoulders. It was no longer black, but a reddish brown color. "You dyed your hair!" he said his surprise obvious.
"No she didn't" Jim said pausing looking at her in a way that Bones could not explain. "It's her natural color." There was a moment of silence as his eyes locked with hers for a brief time. "Excuse me."
Jim walked away from the table. "Aura what wrong with him?" Bones asked.
"You all get settled. I will go to him." she said.
Tah-din-nay looked upset. She did not say anything but looked around at the others. "He loves Dr. Aura. I can see it. He lied to me."
"What are you talking about?!" Bones asked sounding irritated.
Nyota shot him a glance. "Tah-din-nay what's wrong? Of course he loves her."
Tears began to fall. "I asked him if he had someone and he told me no."
McCoy laughed out loud.
"That's enough Leonard! Can't you see she's upset?"
"Sorry Ny." He looked at Tah-din-nay "Of course he loves her girl, they're cut from the same mold, or at least they act just alike most of the time!"
She looked at Nyota confused. "They're close. They are family, Tah-din-nay. She calls him her brother and he calls her his sister. That is all."
Relief came over her face and she began to smile. "Oh, that is good that I know someone from Kirks family!"
Aura followed Jim outside of the restaurant. "What's wrong Jimmy?"
He looked at her, his face pained. "You look just like him." he whispered. "You look just like your father. You have his coloring. It's much more noticeable now...the resemblance I mean."
"There are no ghosts here, Jimmy." she said putting her arm around him. "Let it go. I have my brother back. I have not been this happy in a long time. I know that you will be leaving here and I will be left behind. I want you to be alright...for us to be alright."
"You are always worried about everybody else!" he snapped. "Aren't you ever selfish?"
"Of course I am! I don't want you to leave. You've been out of my life for nine long years and I just got you back! I don't want to sleep alone. I want Leonard. I love him, Jimmy. I want to be with him, but we all have our duties so let's just enjoy the time we have together."
He opened the door. He looked at her and smiled. "You said it. You said you love him."
She smiled sadly. "Don't remind me."
The menu was very limited at Dunns, in fact there was no printed menu. The waiter came and told them what was available that evening. Fish was always available since they were on the shore so they ordered that along with a salad.
Spock had found the salad to be satisfactory when he had visited Dunns before and decided to stick with that. The rest of the party enjoyed the fish which tasted like salmon.
The dinner was pleasant enough and they all walked back to the compound by way of the boardwalk. It was a beautiful evening.
"I think you threw Bones for a loop with your new look." Jim said to Aura.
She and Bones were in front of him walking hand in hand.
"I know. The water on this planet stripped my hair of the temporary color. I had already decided to take the braids out, but I didn't plan on losing the color."
"I like it" Bones said "I think it's more becoming that the black. Stay natural!"
Tah-din-nah spoke up. "Let's take our shoes off and walk along the shore." Before they could reply she broke away and ran down the beach taking off her shoes and greeted the waves as they came to shore. She walked along the edge giggling as the waves washed over her feet. "Come on! It feels good!"
They followed her and Nyota noticed that Spock did not make an effort to remove his shoes.
"Come on Spock."
"I see no point in doing this, Nyota. It is nighttime and there is a danger in walking in the dark like this without protective covering for your feet."
"It's romantic" she said digging her toes in the sand. "Try it for me, please" she smiled her best smile at him.
"Very well." He sounded doubtful.
He took off his shoes and socks and rolled up his pant legs. He watched as the wave came in and washed over his feet.
"See, its nice." Nyota said linking her arm in his. She looked ahead at the others who had continued down the beach. "Lets go, but we don't have to rush and catch up with them."
They walked for a few moments silent. She could hear Tah-din-nay laugh and the Captain respond to her. She caught a glimpse of Leonard's hand cupping Aura's buttock and then returning to her waist pulling her closer.
She turned to Spock. "Kiss me"
He raised an eyebrow "I do not wish to show public displays of affection. You know that Nyota."
"No one's looking. We are behind them. They are absorbed in their own world. It is dark, just a quick kiss" She stopped walking and turned to him.
He looked at her for a moment, then down the beach where the rest of the party was quickly disappearing from view. He quickly pulled her in his arms kissing her. She responded feeling her heartbeat accelerate. His lips left hers and found its way to her neck. His hand cupped her breast and then returned to her waist. "It is very difficult just to give you a quick kiss, Nyota."
"It is very difficult just to accept a quick kiss from you, Spock. It makes me want even more."
"Indeed" he said "Then let us hurry back to your quarters where we will not be restrained from doing that which we want to do."