Jul 10, 2005 15:14
gah I hate hurricanes.
their like constantly hittin Alabama too.
durin the summer might i add!!
well the other day I met Matt.
he's pretty cool & Dee seems to "bE iN LoVe* <3
went shoppin earlier in the week & got some awesome stuff.
hah gotta go bak to get some more things...
...of course.
Matt went to church with us today & later him & adam & jennifer came over to the house.
Okay considerin probly the power will be out soon - here's whats in plan for the week (supposing we wont be trapped in the house)
Monday - layin out & painting our fences for $ (doubtin any of that will happen)
Tuesday - work from 12 - 6.
also meetin JoSh gRaCiN @ cracker barrel w/patti & dollar bill, hopefully not durin my work hours.
Wednesday - hmm whatever happens to come along & Kingwood Church
Thursday - work from 12 -6 then volleyball from 7 - 9.
Friday - paycheck.
Saturday - spendin my paycheck.
then sometime watchin Cinderella Man w/annie & whoever wants to go.
I love RoCkY!!
mY LaUrEn NeWtOn...............wE HaVe tO gEt ToGeThEr sOmEtIme oThEr tHaN WeD. nIgHtS!!
lEt uR mOm kNoW BoUt JoSh gRaCiN sWeEtI!!! <3