More pet drama

Feb 13, 2008 09:49

 When Crazy Housemate Kim got home y'day, there was a doorhanger on the front door from the county, "Notice to Comply," from animal control, indicating that our cat had been reported "at large."
This stems from an incident a couple of weeks ago when I was out of town, and Kim had left Zeke out on the screened lanai overnight, where he yowled piteously to be let in, but she could not hear him b/c she was asleep in the front bedroom. At 6 a.m. the next day, crazy neighbor (and not in a good way!) Dee was pounding on the front door complaining that the cat had kept her awake all night. Kim, being (occasionally) wise, did not open the door, but apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. Crazy Neighbor said it was a federal offense to leave a cat outside and she was going to report us to the authorities (Homeland Security, apparently).
Well, an apology and promise that it wouldn't happen again was not enough for Crazy Neighbor, who in fact has filed a complaint with the county. Kim called the number on the doorhanger and talked to the animal control guy, who said do't worry about it, use it as a coaster, just don't let the cat be out in the yard b/c if he's trapped, he'll be euthanized immediately. He did, however, let Kim know the details of the complaint, among them that we were letting our cat (not named or described) roam free (not true -- he's been outside the pool cage ONE TIME in four years, when he pushed out the front window screen and ran around to the back) and that a large orange cat had been peeing on their patio. Zeke is a black and white tuxedo cat.
So I'm thinking there's serious David Letterman cash in this since Zeke has apparently mastered the art of shape shifting, escaping from enclosed, locked spaces, and ventriloquism, since the yowling that occurs is coming from the feral cat colony in the trees behind the house.
Crazy bitch. I don't know what to do.
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