Oct 20, 2007 17:42
Well, if you don't already know my dislike of BCBS (David's health insurace), I have yet another reason I hate them. Okay, maybe it should be the prescription part I hate, but I am ANGRY! Yesterday afternoon, my RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) calls me and tells me that my pharmacy called her back and they do not have my Heparin and that they have checked w/all of Jackson County and nobody has it in the whole county! Now, I find that hard to believe, but...anyhow. So, I asked her to call it in to CVS, b/c we had filled there before and they accepted our insurance.
Well, I get to CVS a little after 6 last night and they haven't filled it! HOW RUDE IS THAT?! So, they tell me that they need our insurance card and I asked them if they could just pull it from David's file in the computer. Nope, they couldn't. So, we drive all the way out to Edinburgh to get the insurance card b/c David left it in his wallet which was in the car.
Well, we get back there and they are telling me that I am denied...how can you determine that when my insurance has changed and I hadn't told you who it was through? And, if you sent me to get my insurance card b/c I told you my insurance had changed, they why would you try to run it on old insurance?
So, after about 60-90 of arguing with them, they get my insurance carrier on the phone and I get to talk to them...they proceed to tell me that the only place I can fill is Kroger...WTFE! I explain to him that my son filled at CVS on 25th street and David at CVS in Edinburgh. The guy on the phone proceeds to call me a liar (indirectly) and tell me the only place I can fill is Kroger. I proceed to tell him that Kroger is closed and the pharmacist tells him that Kroger does not have the prescription either.
Long story short, CVS in Edinburgh is going to bill CVS on 46 for my prescription and I got my prescription for free! ROCK ON!
So, I started my injections last night...ouch! And, I started my Prometrium today. It is making me dizzy! LOL!