"4 shows in a row" or "I'm getting too old for this"

Nov 30, 2006 13:29

Yesterday was a rush day. Up at 4:45 to get to the airport. Walked in the dark from owlmoose's to Market Street to catch BART to SFO. Napped on the plane. Got a decent rental car but sadly, no convertible. Popped in at my hotel but they wouldn't let me check in yet. Went to work. Worked. At lunch, checked into my hotel. Worked more. Played phone tag with my hairdresser all day (even called her from BNL, which I know she was at), but I think I have an appointment to see her. Had my evening meeting. Then I stopped at the new Manhattan Beach Borders to pick up something that the Seattle Borders lied to me about being in print, stopped for some hotel groceries, and then drove up to Universal Citywalk for BNL. Saw the show, waited for my Stick, chatted with the locals, and then drove back south. Got waylaid on the 101 due to some midnight construction. Was in bed by 1am.

I got there just after Mike Dougthy took the stage, so I got to see Bacon and see Ed join him for Unsingable Name again. Between sets, a gaggle of us went out to see him and quiz him about bacon. This time he told me that his pan handles 3 strips of turkey bacon, but it's big thick strips. i_iambe asked if you cook it long enough is it still consider treif. Mike said he didn't know, as he's Lutheran. I said if you cook it long enough, it's no longer considered meat and vegetarians can eat it. At least, that's my personal theory.

These were my worst seats of the tour, 3rd row, but the two very large guys in front of us sat the whole time and in front of them was a little kid with dad who also mostly sat. So the view was great.

The stage was much smaller in L.A. and curves around the front, so the BLAM bumpers were further back, which provided a lot of good Steve faces as he stepped over them. Someone tossed a llama up during $Mil, which impressed Steve to no end. For some reason, despite being right in front of Ed, this was a Steve show for me. Got Just A Toy again, which might have been a bummer after seeing it in Portland, but I think I can see this one live many, many times. Steve just bats the emotion out of the park on this one. It's all on his face, the rage, the jealousy, the pain. It's devastating to watch. Other than that, Break Your Heart was the mellow rotator and he really nailed it as well. I think even i_iambe stopped looking at Ed for a moment when Steve held that last long note.

Let's recap this vacation:
  • 11/25/06: Portland, OR
  • 11/26/06: Everett, WA
  • 11/28/06: San Francisco, CA
  • 11/29/06: Los Angeles, CA

I've been up late far too much, I've been on my feet the whole time (and regretting the one pair of shoes I packed, I think I'm going shopping this weekend), my neck and back are a little sore from freakin' out, my throat is scratchy from cheering, and my ears are a little sore (i_iambe was wearing noise cancelling headphones last night as ear plugs and I thought "damn, why don't I use my eargasms?!", so she and I groped each other a bit installing the cords under our tops and that was a good thing).

I've got a break for a few days and then I go see them in San Diego. Somehow, I don't think I'm getting I Can I Will I Do, Powder Blue, or Off the Hook this time. Oh well.

So tonight is going to be devoted to nothing but sloth. I'm going to have a healthy yummy dinner at Souplantation. I'm in my favorite hotel. My room is stocked with snacks and yummy dark chocolate caramels. I'll probably go lounge in the hot tub for a bit. Then I'll curl up in the snuggly king-sized bed and sleep. Maybe this weekend I'll get a pedicure just for fun.
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