(no subject)

Aug 23, 2004 13:44

hella bored

here are some pictures from santa barbara..im finally HOME..yay...anyways SB pics..melrose pics...and a few random...

i want this car

it was uber foggy

finally the sun came out

andres lexi and allie were overjoyed

we relaxed

a lot

we kick ass

marce=too cool for words

oh burch took a spill

nasim....soo cool

we are eachothers opposites...we are meant to be

lauren...they call her the momma...i have no idea why though

the flag

and now for some scenery

i snuck away all alone..the beach was gorgeous...and when i got back..i found this

fullerton asb in the round 2 of the volleyball game/tourney

and a mexican in a tree...holding our flag...so loyal

night came

80's arrived

ok..i think she looks like britney spears when she FIRST came out..what do you think? she was my freind that i had to touch knees to..i know..weird...

kay..these two had an amazing touching story.i cried too

me and nasim went to the beach...again

oh that is HOT

a town


its a picaso..use your imaginations

aww marce was sick...everyone was sooo tired..not me though

mc cain??

now for some pics of hollywood

i seriously LOVE big cities big buildings..you know..all that so i took pics of the ones that cuaght my eye

hot asian manequin....in a very expensive vintage dress mind you from....

that says wasteland..it got cut off

look closely..that is hilarious

and this was aardvarks..unfourtunately i did not get a pic of one...but hmmm..life size barbie will do

i leave you with this...have fun..its a great toy

and one more thing

if you can read that...pass it one...bye loves

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