Mar 30, 2005 10:21

Warning ::::: This entry like alot of other ones contains a christian view point , I know and realize this will proably affend alot of people.But Christ is a major part of my life , even when it comes to dieting and food.Hes my strength so I find it hard to keep him out my posts :o) Read on if you like

When I look back on entries I've made in my personal journal (an actual journal) I see how much I've changed mentally, for the better. While I still do have my down days and dispointments  my overall self image is changing I'm learning to love me . I'm learning to be happy with me. I realize how important it is to be praiseful even on a 'fat day' everyone has them and it's okay. It's OKAY. I think before I was over dramatic about such days & they werent half as bad as I would sometimes make them out to be. I'm loving that fact that I am loving myself , it feels awesome & wonderful. Self love is the greatest love that a human can express. Self love is important for many reasons I'll list a few

1. God tells us to love our self , if God wants us to do something is for a good reason and for the best. So it's good to love yourself it isn't wrong it's encouraged.

2. I truly believe other people see you as you see yourself. If you think your worthless and walk with a humped back and always second guess everything you say . People will view you as that. As I've said many of times YOU DETERMINE YOUR SELF WORTH!

3. It is so much easier to be sucessful at things and try to new things(because you're not subconsiously worried about how hard you'll be on yourself if you fail)

4.It's so much easier to be happy and accepting of yourself when you love yourself.

I'm learning to love me ,it's a wonderful journey. It's one most bitter sweet. But I'm just as thankful for the bitter as I am the sweet.The bitter teaches me lessons, lesson that shape and mold me into the young woman God would have me to be.I am a wonderful creation of God (you are too) if he saw me of enough value to send his ONLY son to die a terrible cruel bloody death for me WOW I must be PRETTY DARN VALUABLE (so are you he died for you too). What a wonderful feeling to be loved that much. You're worth it!! I'm worth it! That feels awesome just saying , saying it out loud is even better "I AM WORTH IT".

So yeah I love me! So what if we live in a society where we're taught to hate ourselves and always be disapproving , so what if this world has come up with an unreal ideal for beauty, so what if I'm weird or different for loving me atleast I'm happy:o).  I love and accept me!

But with that being said I don't think it's wrong to exercise and to watch what you eat. Theres nothing wrong with taking care of yourself that's part of self love!!! We are God's temple and should take care of our selves!!!

Love *-Giggs-*
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