Towel Envy

Oct 01, 2012 16:52

She really should’ve knocked before going into Ron's room.

As it was she could barely function around a fully clothed one, let alone one who either just stepped in or stepped out of the shower and was wearing nothing but a white terry-cloth towel Hermione felt irrational jealousy towards.


His voice broke through her haze and her eyes following a rather intriguing drop that

Slid over his ripped stomach . . . down beneath that infernal terry-cloth towel…

“Yes?” she squeaked, snapping her mouth shut and praying he couldn’t see the scarlet flooding; her face.

A smirk formed on his face as he lifted a towel to run through his shaggy wet hair…more water rained on his shoulders, causing more droplets to take a journey to what Hermione could only assume was the holy land.

“Can I help you with something?”

She closed her eyes and shook her head, gripping the knob as she used the door to support herself.

“Right… Uh, Shacklebolt is downstairs waiting for you, said something about an obstacle course...”

He grinned and nodded. “Going through one of the hardest runs today this should prove fun.

Tell him I’ll be done in a minute I just stepped out of the shower.”

Hermione half-listened to him, licking her lips as she stared at the very masculine pelvic bone exposed as the towel began to slip.

“Yes . . .”

His chuckle was deep, husky, and arousing.

“You know Hermione, when I come back from Auror training I’ll be highly sweaty and will have to take another shower’ care to join me?” She gasped and jerked her eyes to him, gaping at his gall’ they stared at each other for a few charged seconds before she squared her shoulders and huffed. “I’ll bet you’d just love that, Ronald Weasley!”

The towel slipped off his bum, and he held it in front of him, much to her dismay.

She saw the curve of his hard round bum and began to breathe deeper.

“I know I would . . . and I’d make sure you’d love it, too.”

She inhaled sharply, then; with a final glare left the room. The door slammed shut behind her, though it couldn’t dampen the sound of his knowing laugh. Damn him for his cockiness, and damn her for wanting to take him up on his offer.


Hermione walked into the sitting room with an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry... he’ll be down in a moment.”

Shacklebolt returned the smile. “No problem, Hermione. The blighter’s always late for something!”

Hermione gave a reluctant laugh and nodded. “If you’ll excuse me . . .”

Shacklebolt shook his head and waved her back.

“You don’t have to stay on account of me. Keep doing what you’ve got to do; your research is doing wonders for us Aurors!”

Hermione smiled again and left for her study.

She picked up her quill and stared at the parchment until the words blurred together in one big black blob…Her ears perked at the sound of Ron clomping down the stairs, and she breathed a sigh of relief once the door shut.

Why oh why did I have to walk in on him like that!

She groaned, throwing down the quill and closing her eyes. She took a series of deep breaths to slow her rapidly beating heart and cool her libido. When her eyes opened again the ink reformed into words and she was focused on her research.

“Buckle down, Hermione . . . if you focus you can have this done by tonight!”

After her pep talk she tucked into her work, unaware of the time passing by.

When she finally took a break she checked her watch 7 pm it read.

She chuckled; thinking of what Ron would say.

“Hermione you work yourself too hard, take a load off!”

She’d roll her eyes; he’d only been saying it for the past thirteen years that they’ve known each other. It was good some things never changed despite the war that went on for the middle five years of their friendship…Poor Harry took an extended holiday to an undisclosed location, though he did manage to send them owls every now and again. As it was Ron and Hermione were at Godric’s Hollow; sharing the place house-sitting if you will until Harry decided to return…If he ever did…'

She stood from her desk and stretched, drawing her hands high above her and causing her top to expose her belly button.

“I should take a bath…”

She murmured, even as she stripped and she made her way to the bath. Hermione put her hair in a bun atop her head before putting her favourite potions and oils in the water, watching it turn to a nice lavender colour. Vanilla and other scents wafted around the room as she stepped into the not-quite scalding water of the claw-footed tub.

She’d altered it to give herself a headrest, and she reclined so that only her head wasn’t submerged…She locked the door and summoned a sponge to her, pouring water over her arms and legs and beginning to bathe, unfortunately or was it her mind went back to the episode that morning.

Ron starkers save; a slipping towel and that infernally sexy smirk staring at her with amusement as she melted into a virtual pile of goo before him… She couldn’t think clearly, and wanted nothing more than to tear off the towel and shag him silly. If she was honest with herself, she’d been fighting her feelings for the redhead since they first met; but particularly after fifth year.

All the blokes she dated were nothing compared to Ron, which explained why she was currently single.

Ron, on the other hand, had no problem with women, as evidenced by much moaning many a nights since they moved here three years ago. They were some of the sexiest sounds she’d ever heard. The women would gasp and scream and yell of his talents, and Hermione was insanely jealous they could revel in it. Often she would touch herself listening to them, imagining he was making her scream like that.

As it was her finger was currently circling her nipple with thoughts of him, pretending her index and thumb were his full lips sucking the rosy bud. Her other hand traveled down her abdomen and caressed the wet tendrils of her mound. Hermione’s breathing was shallow and her eyes dropped, seeing piercing blue eyes instead of cold white tile. Her left hand rubbed her vaginal lips, spreading them and caressing them to add her; own wetness to the scented water.

The hand at her breast went to her mouth and she licked wetly before moving to her other breast. She writhed with the sensations she was causing her body to feel, and her chest rose above the waterline, bringing pink nipples to clash with the purple bath water.

“Uhh . . .” she moaned, and moved her fingers to her clit.

She licked her other hand and brought it down to join the first one set of fingers pumping the other set worrying her nubbin. She was reaching the brink, her breaths came out in spurts of groans, and her body squeaked against the ceramic of the bath…water sloshed as her movements became more erratic, tendrils of hair falling from her messy bun…

“Unnghh!” she groaned, her orgasm eluding her.

Her sounds echoed around the tiles, and the vibrations made her randier.

Her fingers were; furious trying to bring her to completion, and she was just there when…

“Hermione…? Hermione…”

“DAMMIT!” she snarled her orgasm incomplete.

She slumped into the bath, her back trapping the long-forgotten sponge against the tub…She unclogged the bath and ripped a blue fluffy towel from the rack, wrapping it around her body and tucking the end under her left armpit.

She heard him fiddling with the doorknob and she was glad she locked it. Hermione placed her hand on the knob, counted to three, then; squared her shoulders. “What is it, Ron?” she asked as she opened the door and brushed past him. Her visitor said nothing, but he didn’t leave her show of looking for underwear to don.

“You sounded like you were dying, Hermione . . .”

His voice was low and it made her randy, her body didn’t forget it was owed an orgasm and her body wanted it now!

“Well, as you can see I wasn’t!” she said smartly.

She found a green cotton knickers/bra set and slammed the drawer shut.

The chest shook in protest and potions bottles rattled to keep themselves upright.

“Is my ‘Mione sexually frustrated?”

He chuckled, his voice coming closer with each word. Hermione wanted him to go away!

She had things to do that didn’t include him.

But you want them to! Hermione growled and spun toward the bed…only to end up in his arms…

She struggled, pounding his shoulders and upper chest so he would free her.

“Let go of me!” He laughed and did as she said.

Unfortunately, so did the towel.

Hermione could only stare at it as it pooled at her feet. She was frozen, too in shock and embarrassment to tell her brain to cover her bits. It’s not like he’s never seen them before...on other women! She gasped again, and her arms snapped to cover herself.

Tears of shame and self-doubt filled her eyes, and she darted her head away from him.


“Go! Please!”

Unlike the first time she asked him of something, he didn’t listen, instead coming closer to her…She tried to step back but he caught her upper arms.

“Let me go!” she croaked.

“Never,” he whispered, and kissed a tear she barely knew she shed.

Hermione whimpered as he continued trailing kisses over her face and ached to touch him, but she kept her hands where they were. His lips moved from her face to her jaw and neck, and her breath caught in her throat. She never knew he could be so gentle; that he would know what she wanted and where she wanted it without any verbal cues from her.

Her body trembled as he went lower to her collarbone, and her nipples distended underneath her palms.

“Show me, Hermione,” he whispered against her skin.

She shook her head though he couldn’t see it.


He kissed the space above her heart and grabbed her wrists.

“Show me, love.”

It was the ‘love’ that did it; made her melt into goo and turn into putty in his hands…Hermione allowed him to drop her arms, and his lips skimmed her breasts, pausing to take one long suck from each nipple. Her legs were shaking visibly now that his lips were at her tummy. She grasped his head, partly to feel the strands through her fingers, but mostly to gain purchase on something firm and solid definitely two things which described Ron.

“Show me,” he murmured again, and she almost came at the feel of his breath against her damp mound…

“Ron . . .” she choked at the feel of his nose at her crotch.

“You smell so fucking good Hermione, like vanilla and sex.”

She was going to collapse, she was sure of it.

His tongue touched her clit and she growled.

“You taste it, too. I fear I may become addicted to you . . .”

Just as her legs gave way his arms wound around her like tight bands. He attacked her centre nibbling, licking, sucking; nipping as she brought his head closer to her body. “Merlin yes!” she exclaimed when he inserted a finger inside of her.

Another joined and with one final suck to her clit she exploded.

She barely registered him rising and just as she returned to earth his lips slammed upon hers. They kissed wildly.

“So I still have that shower to take,” he whispered against her lips.

“Care to join me?”

Hermione decided to answer by wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing him with gusto. He smirked against her lips, cupping her bum in his hands. She jumped in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, making sure her crotch ground against his. Ron growled, marching them into her loo, removing one hand from her arse to close and lock the door…Hermione brought herself closer, mashing her chest against his, close to climaxing at the feel of his cotton shirt rubbing against her sensitive nipples.

Ron shoved her against her door, her back cushioned by a white towel hanging on hooks.

He attacked her neck, nipping at her pulse point then running his tongue over the abused skin. Hermione was no less busy, biting the tip of his ear even as she tugged his blue T-shirt out of his jeans…He pulled away quickly to allow the cloth over his head, yet lift her higher against the door as he trailed kisses down; her breastbone.

Hermione winced as she felt her hair get snagged in one of the hooks, but his breath and lips over her breasts made her forget that slight discomfort, her womanhood on his washboard abdomen as he kneaded her arse cheeks. His hands rubbed up and down her sides only to cup her pert mounds, giving her nipples a swollen look…

He licked one nipple with a slow stroke and Hermione watched the bud rise’ with his tongue, then; plop back to its original position, It; glistening from the moisture of his mouth, she groaned out loud, thinking the sight highly erotic and had to close her eyes as he gave the other bud the same treatment or else she’d cum all over his stomach... a stomach with a tantalizing trail of fiery hair that led to a rather impressive bulge in his jeans.

As one hand cupped her chest the other danced over her bellybutton to cup a mound of a different sort, one that was hot and slick with her need of him, he inserted two large fingers inside of her and she let out a shaky breath, squeezing her eyes shut as stars began to appear in her vision. She whimpered when he pushed her legs from his waist and eased her down the door.

Hermione hastily untangled her hair glad it wasn’t so intricately caught as she thought.

He grabbed her chin and kissed her, and Hermione felt her wetness against her cheek.

His rough tongue caressed hers and her fingers slid into his hair, bringing him closer. He broke the kiss slowly, his blue eyes darkened with lust and something else she dared not label. Those slick fingers danced along her lips before sliding in her mouth.

Hermione latched onto the digit, swirling her tongue around him as she tasted herself.

His breath came out in harsh spurts and she smiled around his fingers.

“Saucy wench,” he muttered, removing his fingers to replace them with his tongue.

Hermione moaned, her fingers attacking the fly of his jeans and shoving them and his boxers down his slim hips. Ron did a little shimmy and she giggled against his mouth. He stepped out of his clothing, toeing off his shoes as he did so before breaking

The kiss and wrapping her in his arms for a big hug. Hermione sighed, her arms resting against the small of his back as he rested his cheek on the top of her head. “This is nice,” he murmured, kissing her hair.

“Even better than I imagined,” She sighed, closing her eyes as his heart beat underneath her ear.

Ron hugged her tighter. “You’ve imagined me?”

The gentle awe and tenderness in the question made her heart flutter and she was glad he couldn’t see her blush.

“Yes . . .”

There was a moment of silence as Hermione felt his breath tickle her hair.

“For how long…?”

Hermione didn’t answer right away, trying to clear the heaviness in her throat.

“Years definitely while we were still in school . . .”

He pulled away and cupped her face, his eyes dancing around her countenance as his lips formed a thin line. Hermione grasped his wrists, her fingers running over the bones there…Ron shook his head and rested his forehead against hers.

“All those women, when I could’ve had the real thing years ago . . .”

He didn’t allow her to answer, kissing her firmly yet tenderly.

Her hand pressed against his cheek as he planted a series of firm kisses to her mouth.

She began walking them to the tub where she broke the kiss, turning away from him to turn on the shower.

Ron was not deterred, wrapping his arms around her waist and dropping kisses along her hairline…He moved his mouth to her nape where he kissed her backbone, falling to his knees…His mouth traveled along her bum, and Hermione had to grip the shower knobs to keep upright.

“You have such smooth skin love,” he murmured against her right butt cheek.

Hermione fought for breath, weakly turning the knobs so the water poured from the large showerhead above, his hands spanned her stomach as he kissed the bottom curve of her cheek, spreading her legs wider to move to her inner thigh.

Hermione gripped his shoulders at the first swipe of his tongue, a low moan escaping.

He chuckled. “I told you I’d become addicted...”

He murmured against her, and lifted her foot to the lip of the tub. Hermione braced herself against the wall; the steam of the shower nothing compared to the way Ron was making her feel. She let out little mewls and gasps as his teeth bit the tender lips of her pussy. Soon his tongue entered her and she almost collapsed.

“Ron . . . Ron; please . . .”

She choked, trying to move herself away from him, but found she was actually grinding against him.

“Better than treacle tarts,” he said breathlessly.

Hermione refused to cum, and grabbed the remaining shreds of her willpower to move herself away from him. She put herself fully in the tub, her back resting against the cool wet tile as she saw him there, standing proud and erect all for her.

“Come here,” She whispered; her eyes locked to his.

He grinned and stepped in the tub, standing directly under the shower’s spray as his red locks darkened to auburn strands that clung to his face and neck.

Hermione took the bar of soap from the soap tray and began to run it along his neck and shoulders, feeling the slick residue on his freckled skin…Ron stood still and watched her with blazing eyes as she bathed him. The cake went further south along his pectorals, and she pressed harder against the pink nubbins, grinning as a muscle in his jaw twitched.

She kissed his collarbone as she moved her hands and the soap to his back, loving his chest as she cleaned the broad expanse of his back, feeling his muscles bulging and relaxing from her ministrations.

Soon she dropped to her knees and the soap followed, running over his hard bum as her tongue traced his hipbones…Ron’s hands sank into her hair, and when she cupped him, they tightened. She cleaned his cock thoroughly, makings sure the soap got every ridge and vein available.

She abandoned his length to finish his legs and feet, paying extra attention to the ticklish soles of his feet and giggling with him when she got to a particularly sensitive spot. Soon Hermione put the soap back in its tray and dragged her hands up to rest on his hips, her eyes completely enthralled by the sight before her.

Ron was a big boy, that was for sure, and she licked her lips in anticipation.

“Do it,” he said breathlessly. “I want to feel your mouth on me, Hermione...”

Her eyes locked to his and she enveloped him with her mouth, her hands still on his hips.

Ron twitched, almost losing his footing, but Hermione steadied him.

Her tongue ran over his head and length, feeling every ridge, every vein in her mouth, before moving him till just the tip remained…Ron was gasping, tightening his fingers in her hair as she reinserted him in her mouth.

“That’s fucking brilliant,” he muttered, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.

Hermione smiled around him and held his length in her hands, giving him one long, large suck before flicking the tip with her tongue. Her name soon became a mantra as she took the entire length in her mouth, or what she could anyway.

She pulled him out and began to stroke him.

“Well I’ve had years to imagine and I have a very creative imagination,”

She whispered, sucking on his sac and letting go with a pop.

He growled, yanking her to her feet and pushing her against the wall.

“And now it’s time for the real thing.”

Hermione yelled when he rammed into her, both standing still at the feel of him finally within her…Her eyes were wide and so were his, and he lifted a shaking hand to her cheek. “Hermione...” She shook her head and kissed him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he pulled out to thrust again. Her back rubbed deliciously against the wet tile and she pushed the wet hair from Ron’s eyes…He smiled softly and kissed the tip of her nose as he moved slowly within her.

Hermione hugged him, resting her chin on his shoulder as she moved her hips, and his hand rested against the tile near her head…

“This is brilliant far better than any dream,” he whispered in her ear.

She kissed his freckled shoulder, then his neck before replying the same.

His lips pressed against her forehead as his thrust gained speed. One arm snaked between her and the wall, bringing her even closer to him and she felt her release approaching. Hermione bit his earlobe, then; rubbed her nose at his ear, chanting his name over and over. He pulled back to watch her and she returned the favour.

He shifted his hips so his cock brushed against her clit and her mouth dropped open in a silent “oh...”

“C’mon Hermione,” he panted. “Just let go . . .”

She let out a loud moan as her back did a strong arch from the tile

And his arm, grinding her pussy into his hips as she; shattered. Ron came soon afterwards with a yell, the warm semen splashing against her inner walls...Only the sounds of their heavy breathing and the lukewarm water hitting the ceramic tub could be heard. Hermione’s head was on his shoulder and his hand ran lazy circles along her back.

No words were passed as he slipped out of her and; ‘they’ washed each other clean, their movement lazy and exploratory.

Ron kissed her as she turned off the water, lifting her in his arms as he took the towel from the hooks and wrapped it around; her…it was too small to fit around the both of them and he summoned his wand to rectify that, all the while still kissing her…

He walked them slowly to her bed where they fell upon it, Ron spreading the full weight of his body atop hers…She broke the kiss and looked at his chest, her hands playing with the wet tendrils at his neck.

“You’re so amazing, love,” he murmured, tucking her wet heavy hair behind her ear.

“What does this mean?” she asked in a small voice, still not looking at him.

He cupped her chin and directed her face to his’ gone was the lust, but the unnamable thing was still present.

“It means,” he said, dropping a small kiss to her lips.

“I’ve found my dream and my reality all in one . . . and I’m not letting you go . . .”

He kissed her again and she melted.

Suddenly she began to chuckle and Ron joined her. “What?” he asked.

“And to think,” she said against his lips. “I was jealous of a towel this morning!”

He laughed and kissed her again.

“You don’t have to worry about that I’d much rather you wrapped around me than a towel!”

Her mouth dropped open and she slapped his shoulder lightly. “Ron!”

He laughed, swallowing her indignant cry with his mouth,

Making sure Hermione never felt envious of a towel again.

The end
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