Am at home after attempting to work. Starting sometime last night I've been feeling ill. Like I swallowed a cactus and it's prickling/stabbing my stomach-area from the inside out. Not fun. And then waves of nausea started, not helped by food. I work with ice cream--and grilled sandwich stuff so...NO. Started feeling really really not good.
So I went home. But someone came in early. I just feel kinda bad because I was scheduled for a really long shift. >.<;
On another note, thanks to SuJu M my SuJu OTP is in full swing right now. OMG, I love you Hangeng and Siwon. For a couple of
really. good. reasons. ♥ I also made a SiHan vid (started on Thursday, polished and finished yesterday) because "So Close" was stuck in my head and I was suitably melancholy at the time.
Here, if you're curious.
I've also had "At Least I Still Have You (至少还有你 Zhi Shao Hai You Ni)" stuck in my head. I want the SuJuM!version really badly. That radio clip thing with holes is kind of sad. There's one part that I really like. At the end of the first verse: zhi dao shi qu li qi~~ It's a cool erm...movement? My brain's not all here but, I hope you understand what I mean.
ps. this icon is compliments of an awesome iconer after I bemoaned the lack of it in the original batch. you're so amazing,