So today's gonna be kind of weird. Mainly because I'm closing, so my shifts 5-9ish. I also got up around half-past noon and ate half a pint of Strawberry Kiwi gelato for brunch. Yeah, I know. Moving on.
I have to work on fics. My dearest dongsaeng,
butterflyweb, reminded me in her subtle way and untyped threat of DO YOU WANT TO DIE? that I needed to, desperately. She's such a good dongsaeng like that, keeping me on my toes. Unni loves you, please feel better soon!
Never mind that two of the fics she wanted me to work on are...pretty much unveiwed by the public. XD. But WAN? is and I admit, what with the RPing and the KMF stuff I got sidetracked. WAN? has really been hating should be getting easier, but I guess it's just feeling bad for knowing where it's going and having to write it out.
Also I have some SNSD on my computer. Well, Kissing You and Into the World. I blame that Kissing You MV where Donghae is an utter dork and, face it, the girls are cute. Excpet for Hyoyeon. Sorry girl, you can dance but...not feeling the attempt at blonde hair or that hideous pink thing you were wearing there. I also watched a lot of their Girl's Generation Goes to School thing. I feel like a pervert but that's nothing new.
So, for the hell of it. My five favorites (ie, the ones I would make out with had I that option *cough*):
1. Tiffany
2. TaeYeon
3. Sunny
4. Jessica
5. SeoHyun
Also...the Beautiful You MV is...brain-melting. I am still not used to Pretty!Yunho. It hurts my head. But in a good way. I think. Also guitar is of the good. Ah, well. I'm going to be leaving in half an hour to get there way early and eat a big lunch/dinner type thing at California Pizza Kitchen, since I've never been there. Also, so that if I have extra time I can poke around Ragstock for more KMF gear to make. (Hit up Michael's the other day, HUZZAH FOR PLAIN RED T-SHIRTS AND HATS!)