"When you look into the abyss..."

Sep 14, 2007 19:57

So today was fun in the sense that I couldn't breathe out of my nose. Ugh. Still not sure whether this is allergies, a cold, sinus crap or some combonation of the three. >.<;; But I deposited a check that was about 1/3 larger than I expected it to be, so yay!

Also, I blame edana_ni_emer for having the "Baby Got Back - Gilbert & Sullivan Style" stuck in my head the whilst working. Eerily similar to when I had bakerybard's "All Alone" vid stuck in my head on Monday.

I really shouldn't have put YouTube on the bookmark!bar. It's just not good. I mean, granted there are glorious things on YouTube but 80% of it is utter crack. And that whole converter thing? Yeah, I've "converted" a bunch of YouTube Vid Crack. But I don't regret converting some of the awesome ones. ^_^.

Just to torment and scar show you some of what I've been enjoying...

Vid -- Fandom -- Song -- Pairing (if applicable) -- WHY??
Mohinder/Sylar - Turn back the hands of time by Starrynight111 -- Heroes -- "Turn Back the Hands of Time" -- Mylar! -- Awesome backwards playing. Good song, too.
dresden files - i'll always look after you" by RedPhoniex-- Dresden Files -- "I'll Look After You" The Fray -- Bob/Harry -- It's made of awesome and makes me tear up. ♥
Baby Got Back - Gilbert & Sullivan Style by mphtower -- Pirates of Penzance? -- "Baby Got Back"-- N/A -- Got linked, crack.
Harry's Unhealthy Relationship with his ghost by BratKingJareth -- Dresden Files -- "Flesh'n'Blood" -- Bob/Harry slanted -- Dresden Files insanity!
Less Than Three by zhayeFF -- ? -- "Less Than Three" -- N/A -- Got Linked, crack.
Muppet Treasure Island- "Something Better" by movieguy23 -- Muppet Treasure Island -- "Something Better" -- N/A -- Kevin Bishop's Voice. Kid was fifteen and still a soprano. ♥
Rockapella Folgers Commercial by camelot573 -- Commercials? -- "Folgers Song" by Rockapella -- N/A -- COFFEE. ROCKAPELLA. 'Nuff said.
Dresden Files - Creepy Guy At Work by starphoenix79 -- Dresden Files -- "Creepy Guy At Work" by Dane Cook -- N/A -- HILARIOUS.
All Alone by bakerybard -- Dresden Files -- "All Alone" (Spamalot) -- Bob/Harry slanted -- It's GREAT. Well done and funny! XD

yes--i'm that special, youtube is evil, interweb, work, dresden files, izzi, vids

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