Apr 26, 2013 01:42
Ok. So this is going a couple places. If you're friends with me on both you may notice some changes... nothing major but gotta write it to fit my audience.
Oh and I'm fairly drugged at the moment... so if there's SQUIRREL! a train of thought that doesn't fit, or bad wording/grammar etc Please be patient.
So you've all been kept up on my search for wtf makes me puke. No one seems to know YET but we're eliminating stuff as they days continue and may have narrowed it down.
My GI doc thinks it's something called biliary dyskinesia, my GP still thinaks it's gastroparesis. So Saturday I go in for a MRCP aka magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. (for the record? I'm not even sure how to SAY that last word.)
So... I've been boo-hooing and hating life for going on 5 months. Yes, I've been puking every day for five.long.months.
So... a group of people, some whom I know very well, and some who I don't know very well at all banded together and did a... fund raiser for me. They raised a HUGE amount of money that I put towards two months rent, medications, dr's visits and a new pair of sleep shorts/new socks.
To those people who did this... I can't thank you enough. You are my heroes. I had a lot of doubts about the good in the world until I met you ladies. I was ASTOUNDED at what you guys did without my knowing.. and I wish I could somehow show you all what it means to me.
Then this week. I've had a rough week. Wednesday I spent waiting to see and seeing my psychiatrist who changed ALL my meds for mental health. Then I waited to see/saw my GP... for a cyst. For those that missed it? It's in the same place I had one three years ago. So my GP decides (after much back and forth and talking to others) cyst needs to go. Now because of where it's at... it's very likely to be infected (ewwww) because I'm a diabetic. We schedule me for a double appointment for this Friday April 26th at 4:00pm.
Thursday (earlier today) I saw my GI doc... where I learned his office dropped the ball and they didn't schedule me for the MRCP mentioned above. Basically I was supposed to do that THEN see him, but no one told me and they dropped the ball. So I'm now scheduled for this at 1:00pm on Saturday April 27th. Follow up visit is this Wednesday at...*mumbles incoherently* (I don't know what time ok!?!?).
All of this is taking place in Ogden. As most of you know, I don't drive. Stupid seizure disorder/uncontrolled diabetes/lack of money. I live in Salt Lake City. It's 2 bus rides and 1 hour 20 minute train ride to GET to Ogden from my house to my appointments in Ogden. Plus it costs 7.20 round trip to go.
So as you can see... the copays/medication payments/procedure payments/travel expenses add up VERY fast.
Today I asked on FB for $5 so I could get SOME of the stuff taken care of. I figured I'd get cyst take care of (copay) and MRCP done (copay) and skip the meds. I... got so much more than I could ever ask for. I was so humbled to get enough for my procedures (and dr visit next week) AND my meds. (probably)
I again, can't thank you all enough. I wish there were a way for me to send huge hugs and show you how ... it's changed my attitude.
For those that couldn't won't shant whatever help monetarily? Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement, prayers and virtual hugs. Although I need money to get well... everyones support with words and virtual hugs are what make me WANT to get well instead of saying screw it and giving up.
To those I talk to on text or PM's etc... thank you for letting me whine so much. I know it gets old... I'm trying to stop whining about the puking.
Again... thank you to all that have helped support me. I don't know where I'd be today with out amazing friends like I have.
I know most of you haven't ever met me... or if you have texted me or anything... thank you.
EDIT oh and if anyone wonders where the money went? I have NO issues sending you print screens of the debit card I used