got bruises on my heart...

Aug 14, 2004 03:31

so i'm so excited about the olympics...i will be tuning in every day, i hope. :)

i really want ashlee simpson's new cd...i've heard good things about it! and i have some of the songs downloaded, but i want the cd to bust out in my car so i can groove and move all up in there lol

i have a new icon, drew from bb...ya likey?

ok so my little "mission makeover" that i do every so once in a while is happening again. if yall don't know what this is, it's when i feel really nasty/gross/in need, and i decide to try to fix myself...for many reasons. mostly to make myself feel better and have more self-confidence since it's so important how you see yourself. but other little reasons, ilke so people don't get scared and run away when they see me. or babies don't cry as they pass me in their little strollers on the street. also just to give me something to do. oh gosh i sound so superficial, apologies...but i'm mainly doing this for myself, not for anyone else. i swear!

so what does this entail you ask? each time it's different, but essentially the same for some parts. the last time i did this was probably back in april for prom. but i have to:
1) touch up my roots (since i'm not naturally brunette)
2) use some face masks
3) THOROUGHLY exfoliate my whole body
4) re-tan, and get a glow somehow
5) whiten my teeth
6) go running and tone my body better
7) get my abs back!
8) get someone to do my nails all nice

stuff like that. i MUST do this fast, before i go to college in 1 week!!!! (so nervous)

ew i'm a skank.

someone comment so i know that people still read this!
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