Jun 11, 2005 16:01

Squiggle laid her eggs today!!! I KNEW she was going to because I saw her hovering around the water dish...but I quickly wetted down the moss and stuffed it all back into the hide box (she had pulled it all out over the course of hte last few days...her nesting instinct I guess..) and she laid them in there. AH I was so excited! From what I read, it takes about two months for the babies to hatch, so I should start looking for babies around the second week of august. I hope that I have the right moisture and humidity in my egg box. I hope they don't get too cold. If she keeps laying I will probably invest in an infrared thermometer so I can keep accurate tabs on the egg temp and also the gecko's aquarium temp as well. It would be nice to know the temps of the hot side and cold side of their aquarium. According to one breeding website, the females lay an average of 12 clutches a season...that's TWENTY FOUR eggs!!! That's a lot of baby geckos!!!

I am a little worried that their nutrition is not so good. I feed them often but mainly just crickets, sometimes I supplement with super worms...esp for Squiggle because she needs the calories right now. But according to most of the websites I visited, pet store food is not so nutritious usually. I think that I will invest in a small little cage to keep the crickets in when I buy them and I'll gut-load them with healthy stuff for a day or so before I give them to the geckos. At least then I would KNOW they were nutritious. It also said I should offer squiggle a pinky mouse....ewww....I could get one free from Erica who had a bunch of baby mice from her mice she's experimenting on...but ewww...I'm just not sure I could give them a baby mouse and watch them eat it. I watched my cat do that once. They make a really disgusting crunch. Ew.

But yeah, BABIES! June 11 + 2 months is August 11...and August 12 is my birthday! What a present that would be! I definately hope they hatch!
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