Apr 29, 2005 09:14
so today was the dreaded molecular test that i stayed up all nite wednesday and thursday nites studying for. it was on stem cells, regeneration and mice... which is coincidental considering i caught a total of 6 mice in the past 2 days in my room. im thinking some bitch of a mouse had effin babies and im locating them all... lovely.
so thank god today is the last day of classes, i dont know how much longer i could withstand dr. sam or even the biometrics teacher ahahah... yea so i took my test today and bizzounced up outta there after i took it (i was the first one to turn in my test) to come home now and pass out for a few hours until i have to be attentive at work.
tonight should be intersting. im supposed to go out and get shit-faced because its the last day of classes (until i go to summer school.. again) and we are graduating in like 2 weeks. however, i am sooo effin tired and i have to be in work tomorrow at 8 ... this crap gets even better haha.
oh and yesterday was my mom's bday, in which last week i took her down to AC to celebrate cuz i had a free room at Showboat and she hadnt been down there since i was 2, and i know this cuz everyone who carded me she told this to.
soooo next week are finals and lemme tell ya how psyched i am for that bs..
oh yea, yesterday at work, hitler yelled at me for not taking people in the "line in lobby" when i went out there and there were 5 tellers and no effin line to be had. although u kno me, i kept yelling back and as i did she proceeded to interject with fragments of words to sound like this " ehp, uh, sh, mal, ahh., ehh.." this was said everytime i started to talk... aka.. talking back and it made her sound like such an even bigger retard than she already is. i was amused and took care of the "monstrous line" as was instructed by the gestapo.-- wow lemme tell ya how much i heart my job,... lemme count the ways.
ne who... im making kim and brandon come to my graduation. i have no family practically so someones behind better show up. most likely it will be my mom and thats it. from my recent journal entries u can see that this is on my mind a lot. but eh who cares.
aiight im hittin the hay, and then goin to the nazi training camp i call work. maybe ill go out tonight and make a complete ass outta myself as usual.. byes for now