Jun 21, 2005 19:46
yea so, after day 2 of workies at G&R i think i am getting accustomed to everyone and all the stuff that needs to get done within a day. friday is my first full-time day because of work, but i dont think it should be that bad. i mean i been workin 5 hours now, so whats another 3. ahhaha... ne who... i got like 45 pairs of safety glasses in my car that ive accumulated from this place and came home today w. oil on my arm.. haha i looked like i just took apart someones engine... awesome. so thurs is my final, and i guess i should study tonite.. i will. whenever i get the motivation that is. yea and my unemployment checks should be rolling in any day now, so tomorrow i should stop by the post office and see if i got ne presents lol. alright, well i got a lot on my mind, kinda depressed, but hey, whats new... guess i just think too much, or i think too deeply... but i learned from chris cornell today
... ::to be yourself is all that you can do::
talk to u kids later, maybe by then i will have my head on straight