May 21, 2005 21:49
Well it has been same old same old in NC. We get up we go shopping, go swimming,eat and go to sleep. We did go roller blading yesterday and proved I can't blade worth crap. I babysat today and we watched the muppets wizard of oz, got ice cream, and played. Babysitting proved how much I do not want kids right now. although it also proved I will want some one day maybe two or three will do it. Might be a surprise to some... seeing I have said I want 9 kids but maybe I'll just get some cats or dogs for the other 6 or 7. I am visiting my Grandma tomarrow. '
P.S I am bored and want to come home but comeing home means I have to work so I think I will stay here a little longer Wanna come visit??? :)