Dec 24, 2006 23:51
How wonderful :)
Sooo I just got back from James' house, I spend Christmas even with his family and it was so nice and such :)
They have this awesome tradition of eating cookies for dinner. Ok so that may seem a tad insane but, James told me how his mom used to bake lots of cookies for Christmas and then go to a trade off type thing with other families, and one Christmas she decided hey, let's have cookies for dinner so it's tradition now.
Also before hand, they had a mini type service at their house. It was nice because me and James went to see the Nativity Story and the passags that his dad read from the bible was exactly like the movie, so it was easy to picture.
Then we had communion, wine and bread, it reminded me a lot of being in churc as a little kid. However we don't go to church anymore since it's so far away, so doing this at James' house was nice since it felt like, well like Christmas.
So after the dinner, we watched a Christmas Story or Carol? Well the old movie about Scrooge and it was nice to cuddle on the couch with James on one side, and Karalyn on the other. Ben gave me a random foot massage. It's nice to be at their house. It's very, they're all very close, so it's very easy to fit in. I mean I'm pretty affectionate ande caring, or so I'd like to think so yeah his family is wonderful. That's how I know he was a good guy, he treated his mom REALLY nice,and he has a good family.
So on to presents? Well I got James, a nice Billabong coat,and I booked us a weekend in Quebec snowboarding. Sooooo ironically enough, he got me these NICE, snowboarding bindings, like 200$ snowboarding bindings from the looks of them. Which is good because I needed new ones but they were too expensive to buy. Then he also got me a Powder Room Sweater (it's a boarding company) a Lou Lou magazine as a joke (he calles me Lu Lu) and he said there's two other small things coming in the mail they got stopped at customs...I have no idea what they could be but honestly, I've never been this spoiled by a man at Christmas time. It's quite wonderful.
I think though, the best part of it all,was sitting on the couch with James, once the little ones and his dad went to bed, and the older kids were downstairs watching another movie. And just, drinking tea, and talking, and cuddling, and having only the Christmas lights light up the room. It's amazing to think, that we ended up where we are today. It feels normal, and not painful. We don't fight *knock on wood*'s almost like the way we should be. I think we do belong together as cheesey as that may sound.
Anyways I'm off to bed, big day tomorrow, Christmas with the family, having people over, opening presents....quite the tiring.