Mar 13, 2007 17:23
I dont post often because most of the time i dont really thing anything interesting has happened in my life. But then i read a friends blog and she tells EVERYTHING going on and its GREAT because I feel as though we talk all the time and i know exactally whats going on in her life. I wish I could do that, I think id be better about it if i had the internet in my own house. i can barely keep up with my email much let my lj. oh well.
currently i am working overhire for the Village. Its nice it keeps me with a little cash in my pockets while I simply light shows and have a good time. I dont know if I want to continue to ALD-ing. Its not the fun part of the process and i am getting bored to tears whatching shows over and over again. Its not fun anymore and wasnt that the whole freakin point? doing something I loved doing? I would much rather paint or props but im not sure how to really get into that sort of thing. I havnt taken any union work but thats how i plan to make rent when I have the time. I guess I should get on that but at the moment i dont feel any rush.
Ive got money for at least next months rent and food for the month if i odnt go overboard. Im trying to get back to eating food that ive made instead of going out all the time. Im just kinda bored by everything i make... and i dont like buying groceries. that and joe doesnt know how to cook and has no desire to learn i dont think. makeing dinner was always either a time filler when no one was home or a joy to be a part of as a social occasion thing. its hard to make food when i would rather spend time interacting with joe. I guess i need to put more will back into my laxed good habits. like brushing my teeth at night for instance. I always brush in the morning but at night im usually too tired and i just fall into bed. thats sooo bad for your teeth!
I saw Dan-boy the other day. He came in to check out UW for grad school. It was fun to catch up with someone from high school. We did a fly-by tour of the Seattle area but I wish we would have had time to actually show him some things. Take him to Lindas for example. Man hes got some desicions to make, big ones, about his life soon. I dont know how you make things like that. I dont remember how I made them for freaks sake.
I got hired by PNB to be the tech table assistant but apparentally the guy who hired me got fired and didnt tell me anything, so I dont know whats going on with that. I would like to work for them but kinda not. I mean it would be great to work at the ballet, i would love watching that but the same time crunchyness happens. Which is the part i dont like.
Im gonna help Tom Sturge out tonight with his childrens show. We will be working with high school students.... oh baby oh baby. I think its gonna bring lots of things back. Like why did i get into this in the first place? (it was in high school) i hope they will at least be enthused and not like 'god i dont want to be here' cause bitchy high schoolers.... so not fun.
ok peeps over and out
if your in cali ill see ya march 23-April 3 or so. Im wheelin down and will prob hit you up for a place to stay.