(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 10:26

Interesting evening if i do say so myself. I think im still decompressing.
I had originally been planning on going home and taking a nap but when i got home my roomie Kaia was making eggs and it made me hungry. so i made myself some food and we had a glass of wine and went and got some of her stuff. its kinda funny earlier this month id been walking around looking at houses and i saw this great place not too far from my house. i looked up at it and said "I would love to live there". well guess what? Kaias boyfriend DOES live there. and its just as cool on the inside as the out. and he is an AMAZING artist. I can only look at his stuff and go "wow" that was work. seriouse work. and his metal sculpture is something else. there is one out on the pourch of two skelatons made all of metal, like pencil rod and anlge iron. Bill Berry would shit his pants... but all of his work is pretty dark, which you know me, i love.
Joe had sent me a couple of text messages and we had set up plans for 9ish to get together. loose plans, you all know me. Well joe doesnt. as a matter of fact its so not how he rolls. so i had the amazing discovery of being called on my shit.
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