i got my computer

Dec 07, 2004 05:12

Hey all i finally got my computer from my aunt nancy's house in orlando so, now i have a computer at my house. Um lets me and sal have been separated for officially a month and a day today. I miss him so much but, i don't miss as much as i thought i would. I guess it is because i knew it was going to happen. We are just to made to be together as of right now but i still love him with all my heart. Every song i hear, everything i do reminds me of him. My friend Summer used to have a boyfriend when she was younger and there relationship was just like mine and sal's. She put way more into the relationship and when they got in fights it effected her more then it effected him. The only difference is she had a kid with him (Which is now 8) she is now married to someone else, has 2 kids and is preg. Well i guess i will stop blabbing now.
Always in heart Monkeys Girl,
Jessica Militello
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