Oct 23, 2004 17:53
Just when things feel like they have improved a bit... again im reminded how much my life truly sucks.
Yall are probably like what the fuck is she whining about now? But im gonna rant anyway...
My mom is sick. Really sick, as in may have cancer sick. She just has surgery to remove some hernias and thats when they found the 'other thing'. Thats all they call it because they really dont know much about it except that its wrapped around her large intestine. So now that you have the breif synopsis that leads into this bigger story, im gonna explain....
Tonight, mom comes in and says, "Jamie will you take me to the urgent care center. I wanna go but i dont want to tell Jim thats where we're going." And im like "you have to tell him, i dont mind taking you. But go tell him we're going there." And so she did, and we went. First the nurse took her basic symptom info and temp and all that, and said she wanted a urine sample to check for a UTI which my mom thought she had. Then mom came back and the doc came in. He noted that she had surgery just a lil over a week ago, and asked if the repair was done on the side she was having pain in. Well that she didnt really get to answer because the surgery was spread across the width of her whole stomach. The doc pressed and she wailed. How could you not see shes in pain ya know? So he said you need to have a cat scan. You need to go to the ER asap. So we left there and had to get gas.
While im pumping gas shes on the fone with Jim and i get back into the car and she says that we need to stop home to get him. So i said, well then he can just take you and ill stay home. When we get home i tell him shes waiting in the car. He goes out and then about 2 mins later they come back in together. Im like wtf? So i go out and question what shes doing and shes on the fone. With her surgeon....??? Jim told her to call him to see "if it was really necessary" to go to the ER. But instead of getting ahold of her doc, she gets the oncall doc who says shes fine and theres no need to go. Hmm... a man who doesnt kno her, never seen her, never examened her, is telling her shes just fine and can stay home theres nothing to worry about. Something wrong there is it not?
So jill and i begin to plead with her to still go because we're worried about her. Then jill goes back to her room while continuing to argue and i walk back to mine. Then he starts to go off as usual so i march myself rite back down and argue some more. Hes like 1 inch from my face with his finger practically pushed into my eye screaming at me. Calling me stupid, saying i dont know what im talking about, blah blah blah. All while my mom JUST STANDS THERE. Doesnt say anything to him. Then she says 'can we all quiet down a bit.' And jims like "Well ur daughter says she knows more than a doctor." And i go, "I never said that. Im just telling you what HE said. You werent there, you dont know! She needs a ct scan, like now! You didnt hear him say that. And i dont think he'd have told her to get one for no reason!" Hes like "You people are so stupid. You and jill are drama queens of the world. You all are so stupid." And im like "IM NOT STUPID STOP CALLING ME THAT!" But he goes " OH YES YOU ARE!" And i just walk away. I wanted so badly to tell him what a fucking asshole he is, but do i? No. But that must becuz im too stupid. Rite. My 3.8 GPA to his never graduating, im the stupid one. Yes, it must have slipped my mind. Maybe the drama fogged my perception.
I hate him. Tell me thats wrong, and ill fucking hurt you. You do not know. No one knos, but jill. God our lives suck. Mom really knows how to pick em. 3rd times the charm my ass. And she wonders why im moving out. Wish i could get high as a fucking kite or so totally wasted rite now. We're going out. So hopefully....something.