Much to do about nothing...

Oct 02, 2004 09:56

Out of sheer bordem last nite i decided to tell ya how bored i was. Only ya didnt really even have a clue. But anywho...

Turns out we're not going to LA nemore either. Can i tell u how much that sucks big hairy monkey balls? Well it does. So yea. Instead we're gonna take a shopping day in sacramento, which is ok by me. Not what i wanted but i luv to shop anyway. Mom has no idea about the amount of money shes subjecting herself to by taking us shopping for a day. Shes convinced we'll only spend 100$ each. HA! In a minute or two maybe! Anyway, im disappointed but oh well. Story of my life. Its just nice to spend time with mom and jill. Plus we'll be staying overnight at a really nice hotel mom said with jacuzzi and spa and all. Thatll be kewl. Maybe i can get a massage, thatd rock.

Ok next topic.... found out that i do have polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS). Just my luck. But on an upnote my doc said it wont be a question of me NOT getting pregnant, itll just be about how long it takes to GET pregnant. But until im ready for a baby im not terribly concerned about it. It just puts my mind at ease that i can still have a baby like i wanna. More like i want 5!!! Hehe. So she said im already doing the only 3 things there are to treat pcos. Thats diet, exercise, and birth control to regulate my cycle. Being that with PCOS ya dont always ovulate to release an egg each month, hence the problem with getting pregnant. No egg, no baby creation. Duh. Ok im done, this isnt sex ed anyway.

Moving on... Mom found a lump in her stomach. Doc said it could be one of two things... hernia, which shes had before and they'd just remove no biggie. Or cancer. Need i say more? That word is so big for only being five letters. :o/ K i really dont wanna talk about that rite now...

Kevin woke me up out of my sound sleep this morning at friggin 930. I declined the call but then he left a message and i called him back. Conversation was pretty pointless, so uh, why bother calling??????? Errrg i really hate getting woken up in the broad daylight cuz u cant get back to sleep dammit. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Now im sleepy and cranky. Gr.

Nothing more to report so i guess ill go see why the rents are laughing now....

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