Dang Cat

Jan 20, 2012 19:57

For the past few weeks Kasey has been out in his back quarters. We were unsure what was causing it and took him to the vet.

The vet checked him out and took a urine sample. The sample came back with blood and bacteria in the urine. Otherwise known as Kidney infection. Kasey did not show his typical symptoms which is not eating, drinking and being really lethargic. His temp was normal and he was his bouncy self. The vet gave him a shot of antibiotics and said they'll check in a week to see how he is doing.

Vet's office called and we said he is still being ouchy and he is dragging his ass on the carpet. To the vet's office once more. Kasey is found to have fleas even though he was given frontline and the pesky infection remains.

So Kasey is now on a new low Iodine diet because foods high in iodine might lead to kidney failure in the future.

Kasey is also on a DIET, fatty is too fat. And obesity may lead to diabetes so diet and exercise he will be getting.

Also got flea controled again this time with stuff made for dogs because they were out of the stuff for cats 15 lbs and more. So we are now using stuff is made for dogs 10 - 20lbs in weight.

We will also be giving him amoxicillin tablets twice a day.

Hopefully with the new antibiotics, food and some love Kasey will be back to normal.

The cat himself hanging out at the vet's office. The vet said Kasey is one his more well behaved patients.

cat, kasey

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