Went to see Mamma Mia for the 2nd time today and had a total blast.
If you have not seen it yet, go now and see it Live.
It is a blast.
- The Good Parts-
*The seats My parents and I lucked out on being on the ground level of the Palace Theatre. Usually we don't luck out on seats but we did this time.
*The Donna, Tanya and Rosie - fabulous
*Tom, Bill and Harry - also fabulous singers
*The innuendo *flails* both straight and gay
*THE ENCORE *FLAILS* - Fuckin rocked. Consists of Dancing Queen,Mamma Mia, and Waterloo. Lucked out getting an aisle seat so I get out and bounce, dance and sing along with the performers and the whole audience.
*Dream!Sky in Sophie's wedding dress
*Finally got my program missed out on getting one the last time I say it and I have one now *bounces* Along with The Inside Story of Mamma Mia and a pin.
Finally the HUGE ASS BANNER for WICKED which you see walking from the parking garage to Playhouse Square.
Can it be the 29th of November please. I want my early birthday present now.
- The Bad -
* The girl who played Sophie. Was a decent singer but was really quiet. Hard to hear her in any of the numbers she was in.