(no subject)

Nov 12, 2003 19:32

Stolen from Superkaty

Last cigarette: one week
Last big car ride: Hmm 2 years ago
Last kiss:Monday
Last good cry: Saturday
Last library book checked out: Lord Of The Flies (for school)
Last movie seen: Umm Scary Movie3
Last beverage drank: Sprite
Last food consumed: Chicken Soup
Last crush: Justin B. In my PE class
Last phone call: Marcus
Last TV show watched: Punk'd
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: My Nikes
Last cd played: In The Zone
Last item bought: Lunch at school
Last annoyance: my brother
Last disappointment: *shrugs*
Last soda drank: Sprite
Last ice cream eaten: Vanilla
Last time scolded: I don't know.
Last shirt worn: A red tank top
Last website visited:Ticketmaster

somebody please make me better I hate being sick :(
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