I have had these icons ready to be posted for a while now, some since may, and I figured I would finally get them posted. I also have another True Blood related batch that I am well into, and will be posted at a, hopefully not much, later time.
30 Seconds to Mars. Jared Leto. Shannon Leto. Tomo Milicevic: 01-04 05-08 09-12 13-15 16-18
--Please Credit luvinjcnjt --Comment with what you are taking. --Textless icons are NOT bases. If you would like text on something let me know. --Do NOT hotlink, please. It's just rude. --Most of all...ENJOY! Resources can be found HERE
I also threw in some leftover Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto Icons and 1 Chris banner. Not really my fandom, but I liked the pictures XD