
Jun 22, 2005 10:02

I used to date this guy but we broke up. But I am kinda still with him. He is starting to piss me off though. I think he is just using me for sex or something. But I am soo into this guy that I am basically letting him. I dont know what to do anymore. I tried to call him last night to just talk to him and he stayed on the phone with me for like 15 min then said he had to get back to his movie. I cant even tell if he has feelings for me anymore. He used to tell me he loves me all the time but recentlly it has been only like when he wants something. I am so into this guy that I am letting him use me just so I can have the satisfaction of having him that way. He is constantly running his mouth about me to my friends of all people and it is really starting to hurt me. I just dont know what the fuck to do anymore.
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