Half Day BABBY!

Dec 08, 2004 11:53

well today is the half day..im so excited..im supposed to go to lunch with jenny, harly, haley, shelby, lynn, and maybe danny...jen's not sure yet...well start off with my day....

1st hour-got newspapers and read articles outloud which i hated because she made me read 2 times...and then at the end of class just talked and stuff...we were supposed to do our current events and cartoons but we didnt...we ended up just talking..

2nd hour- we watched a movie about richard wright...then we had to answer a question at the end of the video and it was so loud i couldnt hear anything so i just wrote i couldnt hear the tv it was so loud...lol..it worked..:)...then we had to read silent then turn in our homework...yeah borrring...

3rd hour- we had stupid board work...i hate it so much its so gay...then he came around and checked our homework...then we had freetime since its just half a day...since like i have like really stupid people in my class i just read my book...yeah i really have to read more...im not even close to done...hehe...

yay then we finally got out of school!! so we went down to the cafetaria and looked for danny's science fair project because she helped him with it so she wanted us to see it...we looked for like 10 minutes and couldnt find it so we gave up...so then we went ouside and jenny, haley, and harly, were waiting for us...so then we decided to go down to McDonalds...on the way there lynn shelby and haley were walking together and me jen and harly were walking together and i forgot wut they did and i was like "lets kick their ass" haha that was great...i kicked lynns ass jenny kicked shelbys ass and harly kicked haleys ass..wow that was so flippen hilarious...then haley and harly were betting on which street mcdonalds was lol...haley was right...lol...then we waited for like ever just to get our food...me and lynn shared the 3 piece chicken select strips and french fries and jen and harly did the same...there were like no seats so we sat by ren and chris...then we all ate and talked yeah fun...then we decided to go to baskin robins/dunkin donuts...and we saw amrit, sabrina, kt, willow, melanie, leah, and other people...then we went inside and got some ice cream and we all sat there and talked...then jenny and harly decided that they wanted to go with them so me haley lynn and shelby walked back to haleys house put our stuff down and then walked to blockbusers and rented "dodgeball" and "sleepover" there both really funny movies...ive never seen dodgeball..yeah it was funny...:) you should see it if you havent...then shelbys dad came and picked her up about 2:30 because she had to go to v-ball practice which sucked...so me and lynn just stayed at haleys and watched sleepover...love that movie! were planning to do everything that they do like at the end of the school year...that we be so awesome if it did happen...then our mom came and picked us up because we had to deliver gay papers...then we went home and made dinner...and then went to kohls...they had 50% off again....i didnt really see anything except this really cute black and pink purse...its so pimp i love it...haha...then we came home and i was still hungry and so we made a pizza...its the best pizza in the world...:)..you know it!! then some homework and bed time....:) yeah my half day was definatly fun this time..hopefully i have another exciting half day! oh yeah and mrs. clark is taking us her 2nd hour to this dance/art thingyy...only like a few classes can go and were her favorite so we get to go!! yess...and on the 20th we are having a "rondevous" in french aka party...its gonna be sweet!!! i cant wait...and the 21 in english were gonna have a "get together" aka party also!! sweet were gonna have so much fun especially mrs clarks class...then if our whole class turns in these surveys our class gets a pizza party..movies..and pop...thats gonna be sweeeet! well im out for now...ill update later! kk!

<3 Liiiiisa <3 Muaaa

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