My 1st entry...... wow

Aug 08, 2001 16:45

Well, maybe this will work.. or probably it wont... technology and me and not good together. I really dont have a reason for making this thing... it just kinda looked neto :) Right now its like a trillion degrees out and I think i am going to die or something. Blah. Theres people online.. I just don't feel much like talking to them. My dad just got home and yelled at me for leaving the door open with the AC on. Oopsies. Thats probably the only thing he'll say to me today. I dont talk to him much.. blah i wish i did more often.

This sucks.... all my friends are gone. They are on their vactions,... w/o me. I guess I could go visit my friend Adam in lowell... he's camping. But then again thats a long drive and its hot. And the AC wastes gas. I dont know what to do with myself.

I was so bored today.. that I made some pudding and did a puzzle.... the puzzle i have yet to complete and the pudding yet to eat. Yah im weird. I wish it wasn't hot outside.....
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