I Started this year Elizabeth Christine Wheeler but
I wished my name was Iris.
I started this year with Two best friends
I started this year Wide eyes and breathless laughter
Hoping for a new day
I started this year, hateing love and wishing couples dead
I started this year and I met Ami
I started this year thinking sex a vile act that was selfish and hateful
I started this year with a promise to wait a year before i dated again
I started this year 5'4 102 Hazel eyes contacts and short brown haired
I started this year planing to move to New York
I started this year never wanting to get married
I started this year hating children
I started this year with child like dreams
I started this year with a Cig and a kiss
I started this year with Tasha Ami Nathan Cathy Jevan and Brendan
I started this year full of hate and hope, full of anger and prayers
Durning the year I learned
Heartbreak hurts when you finnaly start trusting
People arent what they seem
Girls are all Lieing cheating whores save a chance few
Never try to be someone, just so some else will love you
Most people are truuly forgiving
Never back down or give up
During the year I had my hair Black Green Blue Blond Red and Purple
During the Year I dated a great guy Named Chris
During this year I cheated on him and then left him because is was worth better
Durinf this year I tryed to be Iris but Donnie shut me out
Now Im helping Donnie learn That its ok To Be Tyler sometimes
During the year I met a new group of people
During the Year I said good bye to all my old friends
I ended this year Elizabeth Christine Daley
and happy as fuck about that
I ended this year a new person
I ended this year My own bestfriend
I ended this year Engaged and ready to start my life with him
i ended this year a Gothic Girl with two real concerts under her belt and a 4 lovely gothicky friends by her side
I ended this year 5'5 104 Hazel eyed contacts blood red liped and Long black hair
I ended this year Leaving this place behind never to see half of you again
I ended this Year with Brendan Sara Nikkie Ty-bear Josh and Chad
and ended this year bearly on speaking terms with some so called ex friends
I ended this year ok with that
I ended this year a woman with strengh, power and love in her life
I ended this year knowing sex is something beautiful that two people deeply in love should be allowed to share depite age race or gender
I ended this year with plans to be a wife and a mother
I ended this year happier than most
I ended thia year a little sad to be leaveing but glad to be away
Good bye all of you