[OOC: LOVELESS WEEKEND more info. again.]

May 24, 2008 12:14


BATTLE! stolen & edited from here.
Soubi will be around for general Fights or to instruct if asked nicely. (Let's assume he was ordered to do so.)  More aggressive teams can run around picking fights with people who want fights. Each team will be able to hear a ringing sound in their ears when we first activate our system.If anyone wants to be a demo pair,  Hopefully, this will be enough that the more violently-inclined/curious people will try it for themselves. You don't have to know your opponents! This is camp, after all. If two teams agree OOCly that they want to fight but have no reason or way they would be able to do it ICly, Camp could initiate the battle systems for them.

The fights can be as long or short, serious or crack as the opponents would like. A battle typically starts with something along the lines of "Initiate Battle System!" whiiich...initiates the battle system reality. Some teams like to follow that with a declaration of their Name, but that's also not necessary "We are Breathless, we will steal your breath away from you.".  See here for more info. Morrolan will be running cuebattlemusic for people who want to fight when another team isn't around/ want a short, cracked fight. :Db See his post or ping him!

Also, if you place "We are [name goes here] C/S" in the subject line (depending on which you're open for: C for Crack, S for Serious), it'll be considered an open invitation for another group to start a fight if you're not already in a fight. Also, please place the same announcement at the begining of each fight so other people who want to watch (OOCly or ICly) know there's a fight going on.

The battle will end when the players OOCly want it to or when the characters can no longer ICly continue. This means some fights can be very, very, very short, and others extremely long. ...Just don't break LJ and it's fine.

You are totally welcome to post on your own, the post is there for your convenience and for thread ninja-ing, so that people who may not want to post can still thread.

When not fighting...
Again, it's up to the player whether their character(s) will have the name and ears while walking around normally. The name could always be there, or it can just appear when you attack/are attacked. The ears, likewise, can just appear during the battle and vanish. Only thing is both partners MUST AGREE. Feel free to just jump players to comment on ears and tail. Remember! Only people participating in LOVELESS WEEKEND will have ears, tail and name. This means ppl who don't want to just don't have to have it. Easy? :D
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