Aug 02, 2006 10:59
So remember when Im not at the preschool for like two days and the kids are like "come se llama? (What is your name?) THen they think they don't have to listen to me, because I don't matter, and its utter chaos. Yeah........that was today.
In other news, on the spur of the moment, I went out and bought some fishies and a tank. I have four dalmation mollies. There names are gandalf, oreo, duff-man, and snow white. They are quite suiting. I am getting my kicks watching them chase their reflections and knowing what power i have when I hold food out and the swarm the tank. he he
On the agenda for today:
no work!! I am very excited.
I think I am going on a 50 miler ride today with andy, and tonight sometime I have to get my butt up and do my three mile run to keep with training. Otherwise.......we shall see what the day brings......
Hopefully no more rain....or HEAT! ........yuck