(no subject)

Jun 27, 2006 15:01

Ok. So the story of Milo.

Background: As some of you might know I've always wanted a dog. At first it was a lab, a coco lab. Then it was a blue nosed pit named Kona (after a specific wood only found in Hawaii). Then I wanted (and still want a boxer, a white one at that, yes Carolyn this is because of Hanna). But all through this I've always found pugs very cute. I've never been a fan of small dogs. They're irritating and I find myself always having to restrain myself from choking them when no one is looking. But pugs are just too adorable. I find them like miniature bulldogs and with a similiar disposition.

Present: Friday my roommate kept calling my phone in the morning (I was at W's house and was still fast asleep). She finally left a msg and asked if she could foster a lil puppy for the next 10 days until they (the veterinarian and animal control) could decide what to do next. I texted her back a simple "yes".

So later that day she comes over around 3pm and as she walks in a small lil pug runs out from behind her and instantly my heart melted. She KNEW what she was doing. She KNEW I always wanted a pug. And as the story would always go, I fell in love almost immediately.

He's the most beautiful pug I've ever seen. He has great coloring as well as great form. Even the vet said they've never seen a pug so handsome.

Within the hour I made the decision that he would never leave and so I had to make preparations to adopt a new life. So what does any oblivious human do? He takes the pug to Petsmart. As I walked him in I soon found how much I would love the lil boy. Girls were instantly drawn to him with their "awwwwe's" and "ohhh my GOD!!" He looked at me with a "what do I do next" look and I just smiled and winked.

Yeh, we were made for each other.

The other part that made me love him is that he wasn't afraid of other dogs. More to the point a huge German Shepard strolled up and he broadened his small shoulders and stood like a reinforced bulldog ready to stand ground and started to bark. The German Shepard started to growl and then leaped foward which his owner soon pulled back sharply but what made me proud is that Milo, my pug, never flinched. He's got a heart of a lion and love that about him.

It's amazing how fast a heart can bond, his and mine. He obviously came from an abusive family because as soon as I approached him he tucked his tail and squeezed his body as close to the ground as possible. But later that night and the next he would never leave my side. Even when I had a crowd of people over at my house after a night of clubbing he followed me around and always stood leaning next to my feet/leg. If I stayed still for a minute he would lay across my feet and fall asleep. If I sat he would hop in my lap/arms and nuzzle his nose in my elbow.

I've always said I could feel myself being a father but not a husband. Now, I know how true those words meant.

I love him and miss him when he's not around.

In my wreckless life, he brings peace and order.
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