Today is my beloved
iestynapmwg's birthday.
Last night when we got back from helping friend's pack, we started celebrating his birthday by cracking a bottle of 12 (Weyerbacher beer from last year) and making really mushy lovey dovery toasts to each other, which of course made us both cry.
I am by FAR not the easiest person to put up with in the world so I have a lot of gratitude that Con is able to do so. :) He is also one of the sweetest, kindest people I have ever met and my very best friend and greatest supporter.
For all this and so much more, thank you Con. I love you much more than words could ever express.
Here's a picture of the birthday boy with a flower I made for him yesterday out of balloons...
And of course once you start making balloon animals, they tend to multiply.... this was a joint effort...