Jun 27, 2004 23:46
Wow! where have i been lately eh? i havent updated this in eons or so it seems. I hope all my avid readers werent too dissapointed with such a gap in entries.
Well.....what can i say? I have a cold and i dont know how i got it...i mean why exactly did i get a cold in the middle of june??? can anyone answer this? its extremely frustrating because its hard to breath, and lemme tell ya im a fan of the breathing!!! its good in my book. UP WITH OXYGEN!
I have been working often, which keeps me busy but i dont always enjoy the customers cuz well they are a hassle. Working with the public can be like that so you just have to watch out. I mean its not like i can kick the problem people or their screaming children out of the store but lord knows i want to. All ive got to say is have some respect people for yourself, for the place you are in, and the people who are trying to help you!!!!!!
Social life:
Hmmm not sure why i have this category cuz i really dont have much of one at the moment. I typically hang out with the same people all the time cuz everyone else graduated or has left me for home :( utter sadness! I miss my chicago friends and a very special Nebraskan! Other than that i work and sleep and not much happens in peoria when you arent 21...and that sucks let me tell ya. So uber pathetic summer social life on my part but im dealing...i went through a social drought in highschool i can do it again for a summer...
Romance or something like it:
Ummm yeah.....i dont know whats happening, but im not complaining thats for sure.
Good in general, my brother is currently living with us but will be leaving i do believe this week to go to Texas for 2 months or so. Mixed feelings about it really. I'm not used to him being here considering he is 1 of 2 half brothers that i have and they didnt live with me while growing up. they came down during the summer and holidays. And i guess this is just a throw back to childhood summers, except i dont see him all that much cuz we both just come and go as we please. anyway i dont know he takes up a lot of space lol which pisses my mom off cuz she hates clutter and well i mean he moved most of his possessions into the basement bedroom, garage, and shop. we shall see what happens.
Closing comments:
I worry about some of my friends at times, they get depressed or things dont work out right. In everyones life there are times it may seem that no one cares or that things are hopeless, but they arent. Things get better and I always care what is going on with my friends lives. Sometimes you just need to have faith, hope and a good friend to help you through. God knows I have had my problems and my friends know the neurotic way I over analyze stuff whether its about school, family or most of the time some boy....sigh, but all i need is them to listen and if thats what you need just tell me. Cuz I'm here through thick and thin, joy and sadness cuz thats what a real friend is. I also just want to say THANK YOU to all the people who have helped me, listened, and just cared about me the past couple years because it means a lot.