Nov 03, 2004 14:16
Alright, the President gave his victory speech while I was on my way to work, so I guess it's over. It just all seems so wrong somehow. They kept saying in the news that American's on their way out of the polls were saying that they did not like how things were being run, they are upset about how Iraq is being handled. They are upset that our economy is in the toilet(in spite of what W says) BUT...They voted for him anyway. What in the world is up with that??? I feel as if my whole country(except for everyone one I know) disappointed me and the rest of the still somewhat sane people. How could he be re-elected and how can people in 11 states add amendments to their state constitutions that gay marriage is banned. And Ohio not even acknowledging civil marriages....Arrrgh.....I truely feel extrememly disappointed today. And, even Nicky knows that that is much much worse than Mommy being mad.
But on a much happier note, Nicky will be 6 years old tomorrow!!!!! How fast time goes.