Mar 29, 2004 22:54
Ugh, how many of you have that one person that makes your life absolute hell? Whats sad, is that person for me doesn't even directly effect me, he's a doll to my face, but I know that he's far from true! He talks so much bull about people I really care about, and it hurts me = (
So I want to quit my job, I hate it, I don't get paid enough, and I want time to focus on school and closing up things before I leave to go half way around the world, but, parents wont let that happen! Such great people the two of them...
I'm not an official member of the National Republican Congressional Committee YAY! Haha, gettin my name in the paper and everything! Now, to reflect back on a couple of my past entries...I do want to make it known that it's not the democrats in general that boil my blood, its those who pretend to know what they are talking about, but simply don't have a clue! To be perfectly honest, I think that idealistically, liberal views are wonderful, that is, in a utopian society! Realistically, we can't just all be friends sitting around the national monument singing 'kum bai ya', so we have to approach our problems accordingly! My personal opinion... I think that we should close off all the borders, and work internally before we extend our 'bleeding hearts' to others. I don't know about ya'll, but I sure as hell don't appreciate that 20% of what I make is going to help some illegal alien's baby who was brought to be born in America so it would be a citizen, does anyone else see this? And it REALLY pisses me off that they are thinking about doubling the national language up with spanish???? Are you kidding me??? Our society was brought up on our language, and you may ask "this is a free country" but if so, why not make every language a national language? That's rediculous!
I also get so upset when they talk about changing the pledge of allegance. It breaks my heart to know that that our forefathers traveled here, went through so much suffering for us to be where we are today, and we're going to spit in their faces. I understand the moment of silence... but the pledge? Our country was founded under God! Why take him out? Nothing has been wrong before! I understand religious freedom, but no one is being forced to say the pledge, if nothing else, why can't we just all sit back and perform it out of sheer respect? Respect for what our ancestors went through to make this country the great and powerful country it is now? I don't understand why some people just LOOK to point a finger and try to explain why everything is so 'corrupt'. I don't know, but I'm fed, clothed, sheltered, all the essentials are taken care of! I know that there are some people out there who only get a meal a day, and have to live in a homeless shelter, but there are children in Africa who eat once a week. How can we complain about our home when there is so much just given to us? You know, in the world, if you have indoor plumbing, you are considered rich? Does that say something? Just food for thought...