Apr 19, 2005 20:33
I see: the computer screen
I need: go jogging
I find: that a river trip is comming up...and i need to lose LBS's
I want: it to be hot.
I have: to watch one trill hill tonight
I wish: mm ? idk had lots of wishes..
I love: life
I hate: some annoying girl in my class.
I miss: Krista and Bernard (staris sandwhich maker lol)
I fear: open fields
I feel: a head ache comming on
I hear: Jimmy buffett comming out of my CD player lol
I smell: Puma perfume
I crave: a juicy juice
I search: idk
I wonder: when karis going to get here so we can go to the gym
I regret: um reacting on impulse and syaing thigs i didnt mean to someone i really cared about.
When was the last time you ...
Smiled?: idk i do that a lot so eh maybe 10 min ago give or take..
Laughed?: a couple sec. ago, my neice is funny.
Cried?: um dont remember.. its been a while.
Bought something?: bought a bunch of clothes yesterday
Danced?: with leah, jessica and kenny.
Were sarcastic?: Im always sarcastic. well thats what i hear..
Kissed someone?: um its been a while.
Talked to an ex?: idk
Watched your favorite movie?: ooh gee wiz. who knows
Had a nightmare?: um a few moons ago
A Last time for everything ...
Last book you read: lovely bones
Last movie you saw: korinnes butt.. shes been mooning everyone lately.
Last song you heard: come monday by jimmy
Last thing you had to drink: Berry Juicy Juice its 100% Juice bitches!
Last time you showered: @ 4 am. couldnt sleep.
Last thing you ate: cereal Golden grams are the bomb diggity
Do You ...
Smoke?: Not usually
Do drugs?: Nope
Have sex?: nope
Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope
Live in the moment?: Yeah i try
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yep, I HATE OPEN FIELDS!
Play an instrument?: not cordinated eneough
Believe there is life on other planets?: idk thats scarey!
Remember your first love?: eh something like that
Still love him/her?: nope
Read the newspaper?: sure do
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: well i always thought so but apparently i was wrong..
Believe in miracles?: Yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: sure do
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Eh.. yeah it takes a lot to refrain from hitting the annoying girl so id consider myself pretty tolerant.
Consider love a mistake?: no I dont consider love a mistkae i consider falling in love w/ some people are mistakes tho...
Like the taste of alcohol?: its a prefered taste..
Have a favorite candy?: Sour patch kids or peanut M&M's
Believe in astrology?: stars?
Believe in magic?: No
Believe in God?: Yes
Pray?: Sometimes
Go to church?: No but im going to start
Have any secrets?: OHhh ive got plenty
Have any pets: no i am a deprived child.
Do well in school?: yep, Id do better if i could concentrate but some annoying girl never shuts up.
Go to or plan to go to college?: word to get a business license after cosmitology school.
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: yeah usually.
Wear hats?: not really a hat kind of girl.
Have any piercings?: currently 5, im always taking out and piercing stuff tho..
Have any tattoos?: yeah im going to invest into a few more soon
Hate yourself?: nope
Have an obsession?: this indian boy. haha jk uh probably
Have a secret crush?: sure do, to bad im a HUGE pussy!
Do they know yet?: no
Collect anything?: nope
Have a best friend?: Yes! Krista and Kari
Wish on stars?: sure do.. starlight star bright 1st star i see tonight.... haha
Like your handwriting?: eh my chicken scratch
Have any bad habits?: yeah a few
Care about looks?: Ide be lieing if i said no but they arent like a huge part of anything..
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: um yeah kinda but personality conquers
Friends and other people?: I dont hang out with Ugly poeple (johnny thinks im "shallow")
Believe in witches?: The sanderson sisters bitches!! Hokus Pokus.
Believe in Satan?: yeah AKA Korinne
Believe in ghosts?: Yeah kinda, i wanna see that scarey house movie..