(no subject)

Aug 10, 2006 05:56

Title: Rooftops
Author: vvblack_deathvv (aka Cat)
Rating: pg13 (idk i suck at ratings)
Pairing: Vam
Summary: A little smoking spot turned into a tragic reminder of lost love filled with lies and suicide
Disclaimer: I dont own anything accept trinity but even then i dont own the person i own the idea and ect you guys know the dman drill

Part 1:

"Is it true he rapped his mother and his father killed him when she got pregnant?... Was he raped?... I really don't think it happened but if it did that's one sick, sorry fucking pervert..."

Bam said with a hint of curiosity on his face I just looked at Bam in shock mixed with fear, and anger,

' I never wanted to tell another soul what happened to me and Lauri, and I probably never will...'

"Its none of your business Bam so don't ask again"

Bam was shocked, and concerned by my answer it was clearly written all over his face,

"But Ville I-"

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of the morning bell quickly I turn and walk away from Bam hearing him jog after me coming to my side and grabbing my upper arm, pulling me slightly to his direction.

"You know its very rude to walk away from someone while there talking to you"

I give him a cold look laced with anger and annoyance, getting close to his face I whisper with hate and rage,

"Don't touch me you fucking faggot!...I've seen the way you look at me... and don't you ever say things that aren't true about someone, and if I ever,  EVER hear you talk about Lauri like that again ill slit your throat ear to ear...GOT IT!"

I quickly walk into school leaving Bam behind me devastated by my harsh words, I feel the tears start to well in my eyes. Trying to control my emotions I decide to walk to the men's room to cool off before I go to the auditorium to see witch class were in. I walk in and make sure the coast is clear, when I realize it is I kick the door stall as hard as I can over and over until I start to wheeze and get short of breath. Quickly pulling out my inhaler and take a few quick puffs, turning around I fix my eyeliner a bit then I continue walking out of the bathroom.

Walking down the empty hallway I can hear the teachers already reading off names so I start racing down the hall, slowing down when I get to the door I open it up and take and empty seat. This man named Mr. Hegan started reading off kids in his homeroom, my heart racing and fluttering a mile a minute from the curiosity, Mr. Hegan spoke very monotone.

"Nick Mercus...Cindy Tran...Ryan Dunn "

The name rang a bell then I remembered Bam mentioning he and a group of his friends all moved here when they all got evicted from there apartments around the same time. Of course they moved do different apartments around town but they all come to this school.

'I'm a dead man...I bet bam has told them all about what I said to him earlier and then they will probably jump my ass after school...'

"Rake Yohn...Brandon Dicamilo...Vile-eh Valo..."

Mr. Hegan paused and looked around i quickly got up and started walking down to the line.

'Fucker got my name wrong...and he could at least put some pep into it instead of sounding like a robot'

I walk down the slightly sloped stairs getting stares and snickers from people most likely because of my name or the way I look. But I don't really care I love the way I look and I love my name too. Getting to the front of the room I wait in line for the rest on the class to be called, looking around quickly I see the boy named Dunn give me a death glare.

'...He told em...yep...I'm dead...good thing I'm ganna die in my lucky underwear...wait I don't have any lucky underwear...crap'

"Samantha Rossi and Brandon Margera...ok those are all the kids for my room..."

My heart sinks when I watch Bam walk towards the line catching his sad eyes with mine but i turn my head and watch my feet, I feel so ashamed for saying such horrible things. We walk down the winding hallways to our class the teacher tells us to sit wherever we please and sometime this week he will make a seating plan. I sat in the far right hand corner of the room and to my left it went Sam, Bam, Ryan, Rake, and Brandon, I looked over at bam and he pulled out a piece of paper and started writing stuff down I figured he was taking notes but why. Mr. Hegan basically talked about some summer reading books and kinda scribbled little noted to himself on the board keeping track of who not to keep next to each other.

We all sat there for a while as Mr. Hegan filled us in on how our schedules worked but I just sat there tuning him out drawing doodles on a piece of paper replaying this mornings disaster over and over in my mind when out of nowhere I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Pssst...hey are you Ville?"

A cute brunet Sam i think her name was watched me and I gave her a confused look, handing me a piece of paper then looking back at Mr. Hegan pretending to be interested. I chuckle slightly and then let my gaze fall to the small square in my hands and I read,

' To: Ville 
From: Bam'


Trinity isnt in this DUH but what can that note say is it an apology or is it villes death notice? and i must give credit to the person who made my lovly banner and that would be  waveekinz
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