(no subject)

Jul 06, 2006 14:52

Title: Shadow Passion
Author: 616hasgotaname
Fandom: Music/VAM
Summery: Companion piece to “Kiss”. AU. Two people brought together by an undying love that defies the ages. One, a vampire with a bizarre need for camaraderie, the other a human ostracized from an unforgiving mortal world. Separately, they are powerless and lonely. Together they are unstoppable.
Disclaimer: I DO OWN VILLE AND BAM! I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU SAY! *cough* Yeah, they own themselves. This never happened (der), so don’t sue.
Rating: R to NC-17

Once again, this lovely banner was made by the amazingly talented annushkazhivago. Thanks again! <33

As always, links to "Kiss" and previous chapters behind the cut.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

“H-How did you do that?” Ville raised an eyebrow and Bam continued. “How did you know what I was thinking? I know that I didn’t just say that aloud…”

Ville only smirked and tossed his head back, rolling his neck around and relaxing the muscles there. “I can do a lot of things, Bammi.”

Bam’s entire body tensed as his eyes flashed over the nimble form before him. Ville was still leaning back against the bedcovers, but how he was only propped up by one elbow, his hands clasped together as his eyes bore holes into Bam’s. There seemed to be a look of slight boredom in his eyes, such beautiful green eyes that sparkled with amusement.

“W-What did you just say?” Bam asked-trying to get his heart-rate to settle down as Ville sat up.

“Oh, don’t even think about playing dumb with me, dear boy,” Ville smiled. “You know exactly what I just said.”

Bam forced himself to swallow around the lump in his throat. When that didn’t work, he coughed to clear his throat. No matter how many times he tried to avoid the man’s comment and change the subject, he couldn’t get any words to leave his mouth. Against his own will Bam found himself sitting back down on the bed, close enough to Ville to touch. Ville reached out a smooth hand; a movement that seemed jerked and forced, and placed it on Bam’s shoulder-slightly caressing the muscle there. Bam began to relax into the skillful touch, leaning in toward Ville. As the cold hand moved up to rest on the back of his neck, Bam seemed to snap from a dream. Shoving the hand away forcefully, he scooted back on the bed until his back was propped against the headboard.

“What are you doing?” Bam panted around short breaths. He put a hand to his chest in order to will himself to calm down, but it didn’t work.

Ville shifted positions once more, this time moving to all fours and crawling toward Bam on the bed. “Just what you want,” he purred.

Bam felt trapped as cold lips latched onto his neck, sucking and pulling at the flesh there in a fevered kiss. A warm tongue dipped out and traced a circle over the vein. As Bam tangled his hands in the man’s hair, he felt Ville bite down.

A strangled cry left Bam’s lips as he tried to push the man off of him, but he held on tight, his fingers digging into the flesh of Bam’s shoulders. The feeling was painful and erotic all at the same time, but Bam wanted it to stop. In one final act of desperation, he bucked his hips forward and threw the man on top of him to the floor. Ville sat there dazed for a second, his eyes wild and a thin line of blood trickling down his chin. As his eyes once more met Bam’s, the skater jumped from the bed and backed against the door.

“What the fuck are you trying to pull, dude?” He whispered harshly, afraid that someone might hear them over the pounding music. His hand shot up to cup the two puncture wounds on his neck, pain coursing through his whole body as he felt the blood continue to drain from his being.

Ville pushed himself up from the floor, straightening his rumpled clothes as he took a tentative step toward Bam. Bam, in turn, took a step back, spine connecting painfully with the doorknob. A look of confusion passed over Ville’s face for the briefest of moments before disappearing.

“Why do you run away from me?” He asked quietly; almost seductively.

Bam looked at the man as if he were crazy-and at the rate things were going, the man probably was completely insane. “Are you kidding me? You fucking bit me!”

“Is that all you’re upset about?” Ville chuckled. Before Bam could blink he was standing before him, his cold breath ghosting over the skin of Bam’s neck. “I could do it again if you’d like…”

Bam roughly pushed Ville back, the taller man only moving back a few steps. It was then that Bam got his first glimpse at the fangs. His voice came out as nothing more than a whisper, “What the hell are you?”

Ville flashed Bam what he could only describe as a ‘Billy Idol’ snarl, his lip curling up slightly on one end. With a sway of the hips, he moved over and sat back down on the bed-once again crossing his legs and staring up at Bam.

“I don’t fucking believe this,” Bam mumbled to himself, yet again groping at his neck. Ville curled a bony finger at him, gesturing for Bam to join him at his side. Not knowing what else to do, Bam obliged. Something inside of him was telling him to run, but he wanted to stay. He wanted to figure this man out. Suddenly Bam let out a harsh laugh. “So, what, are you some kind of vampire or something?”

“Well, I suppose the word vampire would be an accurate fit,” he smirked. “I’m Sanguinarian, yes.”


“Sanguinarian,” He leaned in close to Bam’s ear, whispering the next six words carefully in the deepest voice he could muster. “I drink the blood of others.”

Bam’s head shot up when he heard this. He had been thinking it was all some sick game up until this point. Like anybody else, he had heard of people ‘playing vampire’, going so far as to even have their teeth capped. Bam had never met anyone like that before, but he had a feeling that none of them were as serious about it as Ville was.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up,” Bam stumbled. “So you’re telling me that you’re not just trying to fuck with my head?”

Again Ville only smirked, scooting over on the mattress so he could rest his head on Bam’s muscular shoulder. Even through the fabric of his T-Shirt, Bam could feel the coldness of his touch. Bam leaned into the touch, resting his head atop the other man’s. They sat like that for a moment, Bam trying to match his breathing to the man beside him-but Ville’s breaths were soft and vastly spaced. No human could breathe like that without suffocating.

“What do you want with me?” Bam finally whispered. “Why are you…here?”

He felt Ville shrug his shoulders softly, the friction of their bodies sending a chill down Bam’s spine. After what seemed like an eternal pause, Ville said in an almost child-like voice, “I like you.”

“Huh?” Bam was beginning to hate that little three letter onomatopoeia.

“Plus, you pushed me away. That takes a strong will, you know,” Bam tried to place the origin of Ville’s accent, but came up empty handed. It was deep and sensual, but unlike anything he had ever heard before. “However, I did found that there was something missing from my chest…”

Without hesitation, Ville pulled away from the warm body beside him, his back straight and his eyes once more peering into Bam’s soul.

There was no use in lying, Bam knew this already. The strange man…no, the strange vampire knew what he was thinking. “That strange liquid…I don’t...what was it?”

“Chartreuse,” Ville answered simply. At Bam’s inquisitive glance, he continued with a slight chuckle. “It’s nothing magical, my boy. Just some expensive liquor. Wonderful stuff, really…but nothing for a fledgling such as yourself.”

Bam decided not to push it. Although, the explanation did add in the missing details as to why it made him sick. Bam was never one to hold his whiskey well.

“You’re not…upset, are you?” Bam asked after a pause, his eyes snapping to his hands which were currently fiddling with the torn hem of his shirt.

“Of course not, I can get my hands on that lovely substance whenever I please.” Ville smiled, two nimble fingers bringing Bam’s gaze back to stunning green eyes. “It’s just not particularly safe in the hands of someone your age.”

“I’ve been drinking since I was thirteen!” Bam scoffed.

A mischievous smile pulled at Ville’s lips. “That’s what I hear about the kids these days…but still, Chartreuse isn’t something to be toyed with.”

“I’m sorry,” Bam mumbled quickly. This wasn’t like him. He felt as if Ville looked down on him like some sort of second-class citizen. And for all he knew, he was. Humans were supposed to be vampire chow, right?

“So naive,” Ville scolded suddenly. Bam had forgotten about the creature’s special talent. “You mustn’t think of such things right now.”

Dipping two fingers into the curve of Bam’s neck, Ville pulled his hand away to reveal that his digits were coated in thick blood. Bam had nearly forgotten about the wound. He watched as the vampire placed the two boney fingers in his mouth, sucking at the blood seductively. He nearly cursed himself when he realized it was getting him aroused.

“Then tell me who she was!” He blurted out quickly, for the millionth time that night trying to calm his frazzled nerves-only this time it was for far different reasons.

“She who?” Ville cocked his head to the side, his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. The look quickly vanished, however, as he realized the person Bam was speaking of. When Ville spoke up again, there was venom in his voice. “Such things are in the past, and should not be spoken of lightly. You shouldn’t ask so many questions.”

The anger built up in Bam without warning, and once again he found himself pointing an accusing finger at Ville. “How can you not expect me to ask a lot of questions? You come up to me, bite me on the fucking neck, and declare you’re a vampire! What the hell, dude?”

Ville shrugged again, but this time the simple motion made Bam scowl.

“Don’t give me this bullshit! How do I know you’re not some…some serial rapist or some shit?” He yelled, his arm swinging out and knocking the lamp off the bedside table by mistake. What little light it provided was snuffed out, shrouding the two in complete darkness.

Bam tensed as the lights were killed, suddenly feeling vulnerable. If Ville really was what he claimed to be-a vampire-then he wouldn’t have a problem finding him in the darkness. Bam, on the other hand, was at a severe disadvantage.

“If I was going to kill you…or rape you, as you so humbly put it, I would have done it already,” Ville’s voice called out from the darkness, and Bam could have sworn it sounded closer than it was before. His suspicions were confirmed when an icy hand was placed on the side of his face. Flinching back at the sudden touch, Bam swatted the uninvited hand away.

“How do I know I can trust you?” He asked in a panicked voice.

Ville paused, seeming to mull over the correct answer. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of silence, he pulled back and smiled. Even in the darkness Bam could see his piercing green eyes.

“What have you got to lose?”

It was a simple question; slightly more redundant than Bam expected from the eloquent vampire. Bam shrugged his shoulders slightly, but realized that it was meaningless in the dark. However, before he could answer Ville spoke again.

“Don’t worry; I can see you just fine.” He chuckled. “My eyes are more keen to the darkness than yours.” Bam laughed despite himself.

The sound of the mattress squeaking with added weight filled the silence between them. Picking up on the unspoken gesture, Bam once more sat down beside the vampire. He suddenly realized just how surreal the whole situation was. He was sitting in some random bedroom at a house party with a vampire-a vampire that he noticed was very appealing to the eyes. Wait, what? He totally didn’t just think that…

He heard Ville chuckle again. “You should guard your thoughts more carefully, dear Bammi,” he laughed.

“How exactly am I supposed to do that?” Bam asked sarcastically.

Ville didn’t answer his question; instead he scooted closer to Bam on the bed and once more placed his head on the skater’s shoulder. Perhaps it was some strange vampire custom, but Bam didn’t mind the contact. They remained that way for several minutes, a comfortable silence stretching between them. Bam opened his mouth to say something, but before he could Ville stood up and moved to the door.

“Where are you going?” The question came out desperate and needy, despite Bam’s attempt to sound casual. When Ville didn’t answer, he tried again. “What are we going to do about this? About us?”

There was a long pause, but just before he opened the door Ville called, “You decide.”

And just as smoothly as he came he was gone.


“Yo bro, have trouble finding the bathroom?” Dunn laughed when Bam finally managed to crawl back to the party.

“Actually, I’m not feeling too good. Think you can take me home?”

A concerned look passed over Ryan’s features for a brief moment as he patted his friend on the shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting motion. “Sure dude, let me just say goodbye to the guys.”

Bam felt himself being dragged back through the throng of people, Ryan’s large hand forcefully latched on to his sleeve. He felt the space around him closing in as the crowd grew thicker and more arrogant. After what seemed like hours of pushing and shoving, they reached the rest of the poker-gang. They were standing leisurely by a large fireplace, each with a beer in their hands and a girl under their arms.

“Bam, where the hell have you been?” Dico asked jokingly as the boys approached. “You missed out on some hot ass, dude!”

One of the girls beside him scoffed and playfully batted his shoulder with a long-nailed hand. “Yeah…I just went to find the bathroom and got a bit…distracted.”

“We’re actually going to take off,” Dunn piped in, his arm around Bam’s shoulders. “This party’s a drag, anyway.”

“Fuck no, you boys can’t leave!” Raab shouted, pushing the girl under his arm away and walking up to them. He shoved another beer into Bam’s hand. He took it, but refused drink any more. The night was fucked up as it was, and he didn’t want to think what would happen if he got completely trashed. “The party’s just started!”

“Well I’m not feeling too good, so Dunn’s gonna’ take me home,” Bam smiled politely. He turned to Ryan and whispered, “You can come back after you drop me off if you’d like.”

“Nah,” he shrugged. “I’m pretty much all partied out. Hey, we’ll catch you guys later, okay? Call us!”

Bam didn’t think it would be that easy, but just like that they were walking away-once more pushing their way through the swarm of drunken teenagers. It seemed to take forever to reach the front door, but they finally did and made their way out to Ryan’s car. It seemed to be parked a lot farther from the house than Bam remembered.

“So what’s wrong?” Dunn asked as they climbed in. He jammed the key into the ignition and pulled out, waiting for Bam to put on his seatbelt.

Bam glanced nervously out his window. He sure as hell couldn’t tell him that he had just run into a vampire in the spare bedroom. “I told you, I’m not feeling good.”

“I think it’s more than that,” Ryan teased. “Girl troubles?”

Bam just laughed, “I wish.”

The rest of the ride was spent in silence, only the occasional sound of radio-station surfing filling the night air. As Bam leaned his forehead on the cool glass, his mind began to wander back to the party. His ears were still pulsing to the beat of the loud bass, and his head felt like it was trying to push its way out of his skull. No matter how tightly he closed his eyes, those piercing green orbs seemed to penetrate through his vision. Could Ville have been telling the truth? Could he really have been a vampire? Nonsense, vampires were things of geeky TV shows and Anne Rice novels. They weren’t real.

He didn’t realize how long they had been driving until they pulled up at Bam’s house. Staring up at the dark monstrosity before him, Bam grudgingly climbed out of the nice car and headed for the door. Before he reached it, however, Ryan called out to him.

“Hey dude, if you ever need to talk about…anything, just give me a call. Okay?” Bam smiled back at his new friend. It felt good to have people care about him.

“Seriously bro, I’m just feeling a little sick. I think I drank too much,” he laughed. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

With a nod Ryan pulled out of the driveway, his headlights dimming until Bam was surrounded by darkness. A distant street lamp provided a soft glow to the neighboring street and sidewalk, but from Bam’s position it was dead night. Looking over his shoulder, he could have sworn he saw the silhouette of a slender man leaning against the willow tree in the front yard. But the moment he blinked the man was gone.
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