Apr 25, 2005 04:12
Sunday was kind of boring @ 1st.
During the day i really didnt do nething but lay n my bed & watch lifetime.Talk on the cell 4 a bit..i had 2 charge it like 2 times cuz i was talkin so much on it....
Lata on that nyt...Kiki came ova 4 a bit & we chilled...then damian called & asked if they could come ova. Had 2 call gelle & c if she wanted cooks 2 come..Kiki left b/c they were comin ove..she didnt want 2 meet the ugly frend..lol.They got here about 9:30 we chilled 4 a bit then they left about 10sumthing.I luv my nyts i spend w/ cooks & damian..& the random frend they always bring..my baby damian..ummm..
oh shay..we have 2 go smoke this weekend...
smoke wat??
a BLK n MILD..lol