Jan 22, 2005 15:02

Well yesturday was a trip! Me and Jimena first took thee Alex to what we thought we would be getting off at the skate park but we didnt then we were gunna just ride it till it went back to the greenbelt but we were on it for like 2 hours and nevr went back to the greenbelt. OUr freind was on and he let us put makeup on him but we couldnt finish cuz he had to get off so when he got off it looked liek he had a black eye! it was great! When we were on it there was this drunk guy and it was really crowed and me and Jimena were in the way back and he was in the way front and i looked up front and he looked at me really werid but it was funny and he was like "Ive gottedn full of littel girls today" and then hes liek "Best times Wait till ur parent go out of town take their truck and CRUZZZ America!" and everyone on the bus was laughing then when he got off he stared to dance and it was HILAROUS!! Then me and Jimena got off in frount of Hollywood video and i had to pee so bad so i went pee there and it ws so gross but i was about to pee my pnats! Then we went to my house and got ready and Kacy came over and we walked to thee movies and had a good time until Jimena had a panic attack. :( then she told us to go see a movie w/ Chris, Jon, Sean, Shane,and a bunch of other but i dint want ot leave her. I went into thee movie but couldnt stop thinking about Jimena so I went out to check on her and she was pretty bad. Then thee cop came up to us and was like "You NEED to call her parents RIGHT NOW!" and I was liek ok but she didnt want ot call her parents to we called my daddy and he came and picked us up. But we felt really bad cuz we had to leave Kacy! We love her so much! bu then we went got a pizza a magazine full of quizes and just had a blast hanging out and dressign up and taking pics! LOL! Then we went to her house and baked and now Im back at my house getting ready for Victorias B~DAY partay! Its gunna be FUNN!!
Comment and tell me how ur weekend went!?!
<33Mary Lynne
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