Keep your hands to yourself, these lips belong to someone else

May 13, 2009 11:43

Oh bollocks to this.
Seems like we're back at square one.
I have two days til hand in, you have a week and you're too busy to just meet me for a quick dinner?
Fucks sake.
Would it actually kill you to make some effort?

And all this shit about the Grad Ball.
How you're making me out to be some crazy bitch coz I want you to go with me.
Girl wants boyfriend to come to her grad ball.
Which is also his grad ball.
In the city where she has a flat where they can stay afterwards.

Yeah. Crazy. Utter fucking nuts.

And Her.
Do not even get me started.
She wrestles with you, feels your muscles, tells you about her terrible on/off boyfriend, gets you to join up to new social networking sites so she can talk to you, adds you on the ones you're already on and draws shitloads of emo type boys every second she gets. Quote 'I'll probs just sit and draw you hahaha'.
And she doesn't fancy you?
Oh please.
I think you forget I'm a girl sometimes.
I know other girls.
I know the way she looks at you.
She fucking fancies you.
(Despite the 'boyfriend')

So if I have to watch all that shit and don't like it I'm overreacting.
But you're not when you do it.
And I'm not allowed to talk about 'our relationship' to people you 'have to see day to day'
But you can.
And you can talk to her about it.
What the actual fuck?
She can fuck off.
If she airs any opinion on any subject to do with me n you she can fuck off.
I'll gladly give her the kicking to help her on her way.

Nothing says 'mind your own business' like a busted nose.

You're a hypocrite.
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