May 04, 2007 12:50
Ohmigod last night was a riot and a half.
Went to the pub wit Mel n we ended up staying til one n getting pure steamboats. Amaaazing night. Lol just so much banter and gossip from it.
The night included but was not limited to:
Cocktails, getting 'dolled up', 'shipping out tomorrow', stroking Mel's lovely lovely coat, man boobs on full display under a tight tshirt, me flicking straws out of my Cosmopolitan and into my face, me spilling half a vodka and coke, buying shots, psyching ourselves up for shots, drinking shots, 'Bang!', hatching evil plans, trying to avoid people.....failing to avoid said people, talking to Dougy about random bands in a very excited drunken way, laughing at bois, pretending not to listen, losing the willpower to be nice, refusing to listen to bands, awkward silences, me being a spaz in general, Mel feeling up chairs, Mong being Mong, being berated for my lack of heels, tension...oh the tension, drunken conversations in the taxi home, last orders, 'this place is open til one? Amazing!', knowing I'd regret it in the morning but ordering that chaser anyway, 'she's really cheeky...I like that', 'I'm never going to win with you am I?' 'No, but well done, it takes most guys months to realise that.', gossip, in-jokes, 'Are we the only people who use our drunk voices all the time?', meeting half the people I knew at the bar, 'She can't go behind the bar...oh wait...she works here?', running away, me climbing over a gate to get into my back garden coz I was too drunk to work the bolt........
Now I'm in uni coz I had a hand in which was supposedly twelve o clock...just found out it was actually three. Could've stayed in fucking bed!!!
Said I was gonna do work, I haven't done too hungover and I. cannot. believe. its. only. one. o. clock. It feels so much later.
Am whitied out my box, had to spit out my chewing gum on the train this morning coz it was making me boak.
Good times.
Luv n Spag Bol,
Chibs xxx