Aug 16, 2004 10:45
haha so last time i wrote i was in a really bad mood, but i'm feeling MUCH better. haha. i feel so lucky that there's still a week till school, considering christie went to school today and kelli goes tomorrow! hhahaha. yesterday i watched a lot of olympics and was disappointed by the u.s., the gymnastics team is supposed to be like the best ever and then they kept stepping out or not sticking their landings. it was making me mad! hahah. tomorrow i am going to the mall w/ kristen! yaaa the squirrels haven't had an outing in a while. lol.
this week i have tuesday, wendsday, thursday practice and then a game saturday and sunday. yes! hahah yea right... so if anybody wants to do something friday... i'm wide open. hahah, actually my practice is frm 5:30-7 so i can do stuff b 4 and after. hah.
talked to christie last nite, she got her ears double pierced! hahah i never thought she woulda had it in her! lol.
well i'm out